Interview Questions

Weather Service Office

1. Do you have any programs in the schools? What are they?
2. Are you interested in a partnership for science education?

Board of Education

Provide an overview of the type of educational services we either currently offer or can offer.

1. What science curriculum do you current support?
2. What technology resources do you regularly use in the classroom?
3. Do you have a long term plan towards science education?
4. What could we offer that would make a difference in your education program?


Provide an overview of the type of educational services we either currently offer or can offer.

1. What resources are you lacking in your science classrooms?
2. What interactions do you currently have with external organizations?
3. What areas of science do you currently foccus teaching on?
4. What could we offer that would make a difference in your classroom?

E&O Mesa Lab Staff

These questions pertain to classroom space.

1. How does the current classroom space work well and how could it be better?
2. What would you like to be able to provide tour groups that you can't in the current facility?
3. What would your ideal classroom look like?