Lecture Series

Description & Benefits:

Offer an educational lecture series that is open to the general public on topics that are relevant to their community. For instance, a speaker could discuss how atmospheric sciences research can benefit their local region in lay terms.

UCAR/NCAR's role:

Organize lecture series and find experts to speak on various topics. There are many experts within UCAR/NCAR and we might also leverage off of the expertise of some of our collaborators. The lecture series may be able to be conducted at the Supercomputing Center, if the facility design includes an area that could be utilized for it; otherwise, we could contact facilities such as the Laramie County Library to see if they'd be willing to host it.

External roles:

Some external collaborators could be speakers. We may also need help to find an appopriate facility to have the lecture series. The media would need to be engaged to promote the lectures.

Research Conducted:

ISSE has recently started "Coffee Talks", and the lecture series may be able to leverage some ideas from them. http://www.isse.ucar.edu/coffee_talk.jsp

Laramie County Library in Cheyenne - (307) 634-3561; http://www.lclsonline.org/hours/

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