Idea Title


The Supercomputing Center is featured on the official Wyoming Tourism Website, and/or local Chyenne tourism websites.


The presence on tourism websites will increase the visibility of the center, increase visitor numbers to the center, so UCAR can reach out to more people. For Wyoming the benefit is to showcase another tourist attraction and add it to their portafolio of things to do for visitors in the area.

UCAR/NCAR's role:

UCAR would collaborate with the Wyoming Tourism Office. Provide text and images for the site. Cost is minimal. Requires one person to collaborate with Wyoming.

External roles:

Managers of the website have to be interested in posting information on the data center. Staff time for designing the webpage.


Should be posted once the data center is open to visitors. Project can start a couple of months before opening.

Life Span:

As long as the data center operates and receives visitors.

Research Conducted:

Could work off websites such as to write text for the feature on the supercomputing center.

Identify the websites where it could be posted.

First search result: (State travel site) (Chamber of Commerce in Cheynne)

For More Information:

Wyoming Travel & Tourism
I-25 at College Drive
Cheyenne, WY 82002
TEL: 307-777-7777
FAX: 307-777-2877
TOLL FREE: 800-225-5996


Cheyenne Area Convention & Visitors Bureau | One Depot Square | 121 W. 15th Street | Suite 202 | Cheyenne WY 82001

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