NSDL Documentation Wiki

This wiki contains documentation for the National Science Digital Library (NSDL). Geared toward contributors and developers, there is information about NSDL metadata and collections and APIs and Software Products.

NSDL helps the education community to organize, manage, reuse, and disseminate digital educational content to advance Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) teaching and learning.

Announcement: The operation of NSDL has been transferred to ISKME's OER Commons (effective December, 2014) - Read the news releaseThis documentation describes the policies, procedures, and services that existed while NSDL was operated by UCAR.

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NSF acknowledgement

This site is an outcome of work supported by the National Science Foundation under the following grant awards:
#1144560 - Repositioning NSDL for the Next Generation of Digital Learning, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research; PI: Kaye Howe
#0840858 - Center for Sustaining Broader Impacts; University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, NSDL Resource Center; PI: Kaye Howe
#0840744 - NSDL Technical Network Services: A Cyberinfrastructure Platform for STEM Education; Cornell University, University of Colorado, University Corporation for Atmospheric Sciences, Digital Learning Sciences / Integrated Information Services; PI: Dean Krafft

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