
The Model status monitor gives information on the currently-running WRF model run and previously completed cycles.

  • The first column shows the cycle - there should be four cycles-a-day (if there are cycles missing from the list, that usually means that saudi-c3 was down completely and the monitor script itself didn't run).
  • The second column gives the status of the run:
    • blue means that the cycle is currently running and not finished yet (the monitor will update at the end of the model run).
    • green means the cycle ran to expected completion. However, it could have had problems, such as an unexpected coldstart or 0 observations
    • yellow means that the cycle did not run to expected completion. This usually means that the forecast didn't finish, but can also mean that there were problems with the final analysis
    • red means that the cycle didn't run at all
    • missing cycle means that the monitor didn't run either (so the machine itself was likely down)
  • The third column tells whether or not the cycle was a cold start.  The system is currently set up to coldstart every day at the 18Z cycle; cold starts at other times means that there was a problem with the previous cycle (so it didn't create the restart files necessary for the next cycle to 'warm start').
  • The fourth, fifth and sixth column count the observations that were ingested into that model cycle:  NCEP 'pre-buffered' obs, madis obs, and all other obs
  • The remaining columns show the machine where the model ran, and using how many nodes (expected number of nodes for use by the model is 15).

Tips for interpreting the model status: a given row should be green, not a cold-start (unless for an 18Z cycle), and there should be obs ingested.  The top row - if not green, then should be blue (to signify that the model is still running) and should turn green when the next cycle launches.   Any other results should be investigated.


The web link runs the script /d2/www/cgi-bin/model/status. This is a perl script which parses the file /d2/www/htdocs/projects/GWPME/web/status/

The file is updated by the running of /d1/pmefdda/builds/build_mm_nightly/wrfv3.3.1/cycle_code/CSH_ARCHIVE/util/cycle_report.csh. User pmefdda runs this script in cron twice for each expected model cycle: once near the beginning to capture information on cold-start status and number of obs ingested, then once at the end to check that the model ran to expected completion (the turning of 'blue' to 'green'). This script checks for the existence of the expected model cycle in /d2/pmefdda/cycles/GWPME/GRM, then gets information out of its timing and qc files.

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