
The pmemet user ingests the output of three external models (GFS, PME_NODA, and PME_WRF22) and manages the verification of their output as well as the output of the RTFDDA system on saudi-c3, named the PME_DA model.  The model ingest and verification is performed using the Rocoto job scheduling tool, where each workflow is defined in an XML file as a series tasks with various inter-dependencies.

Crontab entries

# Run rsync every hour to transfer over the hourly observation radar data from saudi-c2 to saudi-c3
0 * * * * /usr/bin/rsync -a -e "/usr/bin/ssh -i /home/pmemet/.ssh/saudi-c2-metpme-radar.rsa" metpme@saudi-c2:/home/zaki/radar/accum_1hr/ /d2/pmemet/obs/radar/accum_1hr/mdv/

# Run rsync every hour to transfer over the PME_NODA model GRIB output from saudi-c2 to saudi-c3
0 * * * * /usr/bin/rsync --include='*d02*.grb1*' --include='*d03*.grb1*' --exclude='*' -a -e "/usr/bin/ssh -i /home/pmemet/.ssh/saudi-c2-metpme-pme-noda.rsa" metpme@saudi-c2:/raid/www_link/projects/WRF33/GESAUDI/GFS_WCTRL/grib/ /d2/pmemet/fcst/pme_noda_native/

# Run rsync every hour to transfer over the PME_WRF22 model GRIB output from saudi-c2 to saudi-c3
0 * * * * /usr/bin/rsync --include='*d01*' --exclude='*' -a -e "/usr/bin/ssh -i /home/pmemet/.ssh/saudi-c2-metpme-pme-wrf22.rsa" metpme@saudi-c2:/raid/metpme/wrf22/ /d2/pmemet/fcst/pme_wrf22_native/

# Run realtime workflows every 5 minutes.

# The "PreProc" workflows for the GFS, PME_NODA, and PME_WRF22 models pre-process the model data by interpolating it to the correct domain.

# The "Vx" workflow runs the MET verification tasks on the GFS, PME_NODA, PME_WRF22, and PME_DA models.
*/5 * * * * /d1/pmemet/projects/saudi/rtf3h/pmemet/user/bin/run_PME_GFS_PreProc_2012_rt.ksh
*/5 * * * * /d1/pmemet/projects/saudi/rtf3h/pmemet/user/bin/run_PME_NODA_PreProc_2012_rt.ksh
*/5 * * * * /d1/pmemet/projects/saudi/rtf3h/pmemet/user/bin/run_PME_WRF22_PreProc_2012_rt.ksh
*/5 * * * * /d1/pmemet/projects/saudi/rtf3h/pmemet/user/bin/run_PME_RTFDDA_Vx_2012_rt.ksh

# Run workflows in retrospective mode.  These workflows are retrospective versions of the realtime ones listed above.

# They are currently disabled but can easily be turned on to reprocess previous cycles.
#*/3 * * * * /d1/pmemet/projects/saudi/rtf3h/pmemet/user/bin/run_PME_GFS_PreProc_2012_retro.ksh
#*/3 * * * * /d1/pmemet/projects/saudi/rtf3h/pmemet/user/bin/run_PME_NODA_PreProc_2012_retro.ksh
#*/3 * * * * /d1/pmemet/projects/saudi/rtf3h/pmemet/user/bin/run_PME_WRF22_PreProc_2012_retro.ksh
#*/3 * * * * /d1/pmemet/projects/saudi/rtf3h/pmemet/user/bin/run_PME_RTFDDA_Vx_2012_retro.ksh

# Run script to scrub stale forecast data once a day.
30 0 * * * /d1/pmemet/projects/saudi/rtf3h/pmemet/user/bin/

# Run the METViewer plotting scripts every 6 hours for the initialization 12 hours prior
05 0,6,12,18 * * * /d1/pmemet/projects/saudi/rtf3h/pmemet/user/bin/

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