Blog from October, 2018

Status 4 Oct

Being a cloudy, possibly rainy, and perhaps windy day, the PIs are not planning operations for the next few days.  So, the ISFS team is taking the day off.  As far as we know, everything is operational.

Status 3 Oct

Interesting afternoon: winds at Ken's have been 11m/s (according to ISS1), but at the site have been only 4 m/s (ISS2).  (8m/s at 20m on ISFS towers.)  This over a period of at least an hour.  Must be some exposure at the base and sheltering at the site.  Winds from the SE as I type this at 1518, as a sanity check of wind direction.

Hendrik added some solar panels and power monitor cables.

  • LConv.m now has four panels, previously had three.
  • Rel.m now has four panels, previously had three.
  • Uconv.1, init.b, and init.m now all have power monitor cables.  Steve added these to the XMLs so they're online.
  • (observation) LConv.m likely has enough charging capability, but the battery voltage still seems to drop significantly at night.  More so than UConv.m, which has a similar load.  May be dead batteries.  I'll be watching this over the next couple of days and swap out if needed. 

At 1544 noticed that relm was down.  I think it had been down since about 1130 (before we arrived today).  Hendrik reseated the ethernet cable to put it back on the net.  There are some breaks in the raw_data files, but most data appear to be present.  I've seen this behavior before here, and not sure why the dsms are restarting data collection.

Status 2 Oct

Still working on the list.  The overview:

  • completed a first round of soil samples
  • completed a first round of radiometer and ec150 cleaning
  • completed the removal of stuff from the first base location at Ken's
  • all that is left is the theodolite scan.  We're thinking of how this can be done.

April and Co. have down days for a while as the weather forecast has higher winds and more precip than they want.  (Though only the lightest of drizzle for a few minutes this morning.)

The details:

Morning round:

(times sometimes approximate):

1040 clean soybean radiometer, wetted the wetness sensor at end of this

1050 soil core taken, jammed corer, brought back later to Ken's

1105 clean ec150.1.5m.lconv

1113 clean ec150.20m.lconv

1117 clean rad.20m.lconv

1126 clean ec150.6m.lconv

1131 clean ec150.1.5m.uconv

1136 clean ec150.6m.uconv

1143 clean ec150.1.5m.rel

1153 clean ec150.20m.rel

1156 clean rad 20m.rel

1202 clean ec150.6m.rel

1210 clean rad.corn

1215 clean rad.grass

1222 clean ec150.1.5m.init

1226 clean ec150.6m

~1530 did a bunch of power tests, involving turning off rel1/rel2/relm networking/various sensors.  Found that the power monitor connected to relt is actually measuring the power to relm+rel1.  Oops.

Afternoon round:

~1630 changed power monitor connected to relt to monitor the power supplying relt+rel2.  Previously (by mistake) it had been monitoring power to relm+rel1.

1638 soil sample at corn

1648 soil sample at grass

Status 1 Oct


  • flagged stuff in the crop
  • added a 3rd battery to relt
  • finished the cable sleeving project
  • fixed an issue with R plotting

We now (2 weeks into the project) have come to the end of our TODO list.  A secondary list:

  • get rid of trash/recycle (haven't found a recycle center yet)
  • make a theodolite survey of equipment (had hoped to do when corn was harvested, but might be a while)
  • move stuff in the other part of Ken's yard to storage
  • connect up the remaining power monitors (waiting for cables from Rochell)
  • clean radiometers
  • take soil samples

In other news, the DTS fiber is now strung between the aux and main towers at uconv, so access may be an issue.