Log entries with a label of chemistry or co2.

up and down tower
Oncley up to 38m to do LAI measurements, then back down through 2m (see LAI entry) 1027 - Oncley cleaned krypton at 2m, then up to 20m using the wetness sensor as the indicator of cleaning times (both krypton/IRGA and PARs), then Oncley back down. 1110 - Semmer up to 44m to do breath test on "funnel" inlet.  Did 5 breaths that had delay times of 8 or 9 seconds.…
20m Licor Fixed
Found the problem with the 20m licor was the serial cable from electronics to dsm.  Bulgin connector at dsm was full of water.  Ran a new serial line from Licor to dsm.  All is good!
Loaner licor (0287) is up and reporting.
32m Licor Removed
Removed the 32m Licor.  Waiting on replaced (loaner) from Licor and shipping bad back to company.
32m Licor restarted
June 3: h2o.32m (licor) appears flaky starting around 17:00, June 2. Around 12:00 CDT, June 3, Gordon restarted the 32 m Licor over an rserial connection.
Turnipseed sonic
June 2: Gordon installed Andrew Turnipseed's RMYoung sonic on the tower.  The bracket is 120 cm above our 38m sonic bracket.  The boom is 60 degrees counterclockwise (viewed from above) from our sonic booms (the boom is installed on the 'climbing' face of the tower). He plans to use this for periodic REA measurements of trace gas fluxes.  He will pull up a sample line with a rope on a pulley attached to his sonic boom.
Setup with Power
The whole tower is now dressed and running...kinda.  We have all tubes and instruments running (Gordon saw 100% coming in) then we shut it down due to power.  We just did a test with the batteries then we let the batteries charge off the transformer.  The TRAM Trailer does have the air conditioning working but no racks are set up yet so no power has been laid out.  Soil probe B is in w/ the tipping bucket and the radiation stand has been installed with no soils.…
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