Log entries with a label of wetness.

Wetness at Pond back up
11:00   Pond wetness running again. Used another wisard board with I2C address 0x39. Had to modify xml. Cleaned domes while out there. P.S. I recall that we had this replacement sensor shipped in from Boulder, hence the delay in getting it deployed.
Wetness.pond removed
For the last 2 days, (since about 0230 6/15), Wetness.pond has been low.  Upon inspection, there was nothing obviously wrong (though some of the plastics on the probe are cracked).  Reseating connectors and cycling power didn't help.  With water on the probe, the signal went from ~0.18V to ~0.0, which of course is the wrong sign. I've brought the probe back to the base for further evaluation.  We do not appear to have a spare here. P.S. Steve S. may have noted this elsewhere,…
Since we think that one of the ports on Mote 11 is dead, at about 1215 we moved the wetness sensor to Mote 18 that was installed yesterday.  I've added the new mote ID to its configuration.
12:00 -12:15:  Due to the loss of a port on the RAD mote, the wetness sensor was moved to a port on the soil.a2 mote. The sensor remained on the darkhorse.
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