Many of these programs use a large amount of stack space and will fail to run with the default stack size provided by the operating system. To fix this under Linux run the following command:

ulimit --s unlimited

To change this setting under other vendors operating systems please see the user documentation.


To compile FFTW3:

* Type ./configure --enable-threads --enable-float --prefix=<path>
Where <path> is where you want FFTW installed
* Type make
* Type make install

Please report which FFT library you used along with the version number.


The NetCDF package is used to read and write data to disk. Download the C, C++, Fortran libraries and follow their build instructions for your system.


OpenMPI has given reasonable performance and is easy to use. Follow their directions to build this package, or use your preferred implementation. Please report which MPI implementation and version number you used for benchmarking.

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