Download WRF 3.2 and the Data

Requires NetCDF, MPI

Make sure that your compiler and mpif90 are in your path or edit the configure.wrf file and provide the full path

In the “WRFV3_BENCH” directory type


Pick an option that specifies dmpar (e.g. option “11” for icc)
Use basic nesting (“1”)

To compile WRF:

./compile em_real

To run the test case:

cd test/em_real
mpirun -np <# procs> ./wrf.exe

Report the seconds per step reported by the following command when run in the same directory

grep "Timing for main" rsl.out.0000 | awk 'BEGIN{t=0;at=0;i=0;}{t=t+$9;i=i+1;}END{at=t/i;print "\nAverage Time: " at " sec/step over " i " time steps\n"}'
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