
We need to arrive at a convention for naming vertical grid arrays.  I have a proposal and wish to get feedback.  Please see the attached pdf document for details.

Note that this document is extracted from some notes that I am writing to bring various ideas together from MOM and POP.  I will provide more from these notes when they are more mature.  

The name "CVMix" is attached to the notes, which is a strawman name for our project:  "Community Vertical Mixing (CVMix) Parameterizations".   Feedbacks on this name are welcome too.  




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  1. Hi Steve,

    I have solicited input from the MPAS-O team. We will get back to you soon, hopefully by next Wednesday.

    My only thought right now (other than it looks very nice) is that we might want to try to specify what data will be passed to CVMix and what will be computed. This fact is mentioned at the top, but not discussed further. Such a specification could be as simple as saying that we pass dzt and dzw. This would allow CVMix to operate without any assumptions regarding placement of the kt point within dzt. 

    Thanks for putting this together. It is very clean!



  2. Todd,

    Thanks for the feedback.  

    I agree we need to decide on what is passed in. My first guess is we need dzt and dzw, and the zt and zw will be computed in CVMix code if needed.  Unless there are other concerns, I think we should go with that approach, but let's see how others respond...

