has been upgraded to the confluence 2.8 tree. Users and site owners are strongly recommended to read the 2.8 Release Notes to familiarize themselves with the changes.

This upgrade changes confluence's default theme. For the time being, we will continue to use the classic theme for the site.

If we decide to change to the new default theme, all spaces using the default theme will change as well.
If you would like to revert a space you control to the classic theme, follow these instructions:

  • Log in to confluence.
  • In the top menu bar, click on "Space", and select "Space Admin"
  • Under "Look and Feel", click on "Themes"
  • Select the "Confluence Classic Theme" and click "Confirm"
  • No labels


  1. After the upgrade to 2.8, I couldn't edit news items and the top of the pages were a bit messed up, at least in firefox. Had to change the theme for our page to classic.

    1. It appears there are a few things that rendered incorrectly as a result of using the classic theme for the overall site theme. We've changed to the new default, which should solve those issues.