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Provide WRF-Var radiance code (tar.gz) + Updated CRTM code (tar.gz) + Radiance User's Guide version 1 (pdf) + rttov 8.7 (tar)

Provide example of Observation File for 2006100100 containing TEMP, GPS_Ref, AIRS_Retrievals, etc: ob.ascii

ShuHua Chen

  • "Estimation of the errors for NASA version 5 retrievals (from AIRS/AMSUA) over the high southern latitudes". Results by February 2009.

    The purpose of this study is to define objectively the observation error covariance matrix for future assimilation experiments within WRF-Var. I'll compare these results with an other method implemented inside WRF-Var.

    *# Starting point: the QC flags and error estimation from the extensive CalVal effort for NASA v5 retrievals
    1. Products: profiles of variance for temperature/humidity + estimation of vertical correlation of errors
    2. Method: comparison with collocated radiosonde + GPS retrievals (reduced to similar vertical resolution)
    3. Period: depending on the number of collocated data (e.g. for 1 month in the summer and 1 month in the winter)
    4. Stratification of results: error estimation for separate:
      + NASA QC flags
      + snow/sea_ice/sea surface
      + clear/cloud top (e.g. low_cloud/mid_cloud/high_cloud)
      + ...
  • Incorporate MODIS retrievals into WRF-Var v3.0 code. Regular updates to Tom on radiance developments.

Linlin Pan

AIRS ob.ascii file for 2006100200

  • No labels