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  1. 2015-02-11 Meeting notes

    options to reduce horizontal tab real estate Alan Discuss making Region a sub tab for applicable renderers john meeting-notes … Date Feb 11, 2015 Attendees   clyne, alan, scott   Agenda More discussion evaluation of 3.0 gui prototype Discuss draft 3.0 roadmap Notes
  2. 2015-02-19 NSF PI Meeting Notes

    ,, What worked and what didnt Publish best practices   meeting-notes
  3. 2015-03-18 Meeting notes

        meeting-notes … Date Mar 18, 2015 Attendees clyne, alan, scott Notes Scott demonstrated a tabbed layout option for presenting tabular values (e.g. XYZ extents). We agreed
  4. 2015-03-11 Meeting notes

    meeting (see notes Overall the new design addressed many of the concerns raised and was a big … and be more easily maintained scott Review new gui for next meeting scott, john meeting-notes
  5. 2015-05-20 Meeting notes

    Review Alan's documents and code, and be prepared to discuss at next meeting Scott, John meeting-notes … Date May 20, 2015 Attendees   clyne, Alan, Scott Notes Alan gave overview presentation of current state of GUI. Slides are available from here
  6. 2015-07-10 Meeting notes

    on OpenGL alan closed meeting-notes … Date Jul 10, 2015 Attendees clyne, alan, scott Notes We reviewed the "hello world" renderer, and discussed the importance of avoiding use of global
  7. 2015-07-15 Meeting notes

    up renderer and Visualizer class for future discussion alan meeting-notes … Date Jul 15, 2015 Attendees   John Clyne, scott, alan Notes Scott raised concerns about the layout of the tabs, suggesting that tabs should
  8. 2015-07-22 Meeting notes

    Date July 22, 2015 Attendees clyne, alan, scott Notes All action items from our last meeting have been completed. Alan proposed moving rendering of text … alan 2 verify  contour line and hedgehog renderer have all of hellowworld changes propagated. alan meeting-notes
  9. 2015-08-05 Meeting notes

    meeting-notes … Date Aug 5, 2015 Attendees clyne, alan, scott Notes Alan added a new gui for vizfeatures that needs to be reviewed Alan pointed out that error handling
  10. 2015-08-19 Meeting notes

    handling plan Action Items item Description who 1 Implement above changes related to users settings alan           meeting-notes … Date Aug 19, 2015 Attendees clyne, scott, alan Notes We reviewed the former user preferences and current viz features and made suggestions on how