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  1. 2015-11-24 Meeting notes

    handling at the next meeting. Action Items 9 incomplete @mention a person to assign them an action item and notify them. meeting-notes … Date Nov 24, 2015 Attendees clyne, alan, scott Notes Discussed changes made by Alan on what was formally  user preferences and viz features
  2. 2015-12-02 Meeting notes

    translation bug John 2 Review GUI for usability for the next meeting Scott, John 3 Implement error handling changes agreed upon today Alan       meeting-notes
  3. 2015-12-09 Meeting notes

    in GUI John 4 Revisit the subtab scheme and consider Scott's suggestion of having "basic" and "advanced" tabs Scott meeting-notes … Date Dec 09 and Dec 11, 2015 Attendees clyne, alan, scott Notes Alan completed error handling changes discussed last week and we reviewed the new GUI user
  4. 2016-01-07 Meeting notes

    . arrowrenderer) in the context of a overall GUI architecture design review that includes the control exec john     meeting-notes … Date Jan 06, 07, 2016 Notes We reviewed the status of various items following a GUI layout review from several weeks ago GUI - Dec 3 2015, and also
  5. 2016-01-20 Meeting notes

    , and support for other interfaces (e.g. scripting). John 4 Prepare  ControlExec presentation for meeting next wednesday. Alan meeting-notes … Date Jan 20, 2016 Attendees clyne, Scott, Alan Notes John informed team that the C++ namespace for libwasp and libcommon would be changed from VetsUtil
  6. 2016-03-09 Meeting notes

    Prioritize GUI wishlist all 3 implement wishlist changes Alan       meeting-notes … Date Mar 09, 2016 Attendees clyne, Scott, Alan Notes Reviewed usability of GUI, and developed a wish list of changes: here
  7. 2016-03-16 Meeting notes

    13 incomplete @mention a person to assign them an action item and notify them. meeting-notes … Date Mar 16, 2016 Attendees clyne, alan, scott Notes Reviewed  small effort usability changes made as described here
  8. 2016-03-25 Meeting notes

    Alan 2 GUI mockup for 2D and Image tabs Scott meeting-notes … Date Mar 25, 2016 Attendees clyne, alan, scott Notes Discussed items 10 (region of interest control) and 11 (mouse modes for manipulators) from GUI
  9. 2017-01-04 Meeting notes

    sure they can be met John meeting-notes … Date Jan 04, 2017 Attendees John Clyne, Scott, Alan, Sam Goals Set goals, objectives or some context for this meeting. Agenda Admin updates VAPOR
  10. 2014-01-27 Meeting Notes

    that are ready for review. Be sure to note any methods that need to be changed (all) Post meeting slides to this page (alan) Implement and exercise ControExec methods … "dirty bit" mechanism (all) Explore options for rasterizing text (scott)     meeting-notes Migrated to Confluence 5.3