00:20:04 Jim Edwards: No mixed cpu/gpu projects? 00:26:10 Siddhartha Ghosh: ASD for NCAR: https://www2.cisl.ucar.edu/user-support/asd-derecho-soliciting-ncar-projects ASD for University Projects: https://www2.cisl.ucar.edu/user-support/opportunity-university-researchers-derecho-supercomputer 00:27:10 Cecile Hannay: Could repeat the dates? 00:27:21 Jeremy Sauer: Could you post those important start-end dates here in the chat please? 00:27:34 Cecile Hannay: Thanks. 00:27:35 Siddhartha Ghosh: Just a reminder AI summer school registration deadline is 22nd of July, here is the link: AI summer school: https://www2.cisl.ucar.edu/tai4es 00:28:28 Jeremy Sauer: Thanks 00:29:23 bjsmith: The Daily Bulletin article Mick mentioned: https://arc.ucar.edu/articles/84 00:29:44 Mick Coady: HPC systems outage dates: 00:30:39 Mick Coady: Begin the morning of Monday, July 26. Full restore Monday, Aug 2. 00:30:56 Craig Schwartz: Is there going to be a call for NSC proposals this fall, and if so, will those awards be for computing on Cheyenne or Derecho? 00:31:05 Mick Coady: Please see the related announcement in the Daily Bulletin. Thanks! 00:32:49 Mick Coady: Good question, Craig. Let us ask CISL/NCAR management about that and we will get back to everyone with an answer. 01:08:04 Siddhartha Ghosh: The test system will have 16 cpu nodes (128 cores) 2 GPU nodes (64 cores + 4 A100 GPUs in each and dual SS connection) 01:08:28 Siddhartha Ghosh: Cpu nodes will have 256 GB and GPU nodes will have 512 GB memory 01:08:45 Jim Edwards: When do you anticipate that system will be available? 01:09:06 Jeremy Sauer: Thanks Sidd, how much memory on each A100? 01:09:19 Siddhartha Ghosh: Production GPU nodes will have 4 SS connection / GPU nodes compared to test system will have 2 SS connection / GPU node 01:09:34 Supreeth Madapur Suresh: Thank you. Will this be with all the software stack from cray? 01:10:42 Siddhartha Ghosh: These are lower men A100 I.e. 40GB 01:10:50 Siddhartha Ghosh: Both for prod and test 01:11:34 Ned Patton: Any reasons to use or not use FORTRAN’s “do concurrent()” for automatic GPU acceleration via nvfortran’s “-stdpar” compilation flag? 01:11:37 Siddhartha Ghosh: Cray PE will not have full OpenACC / OpenMP support by test system life start 01:11:42 Jeremy Sauer: Great presentation Daniel. Many thanks! Looking forward to some useful resources available through your slides. 01:12:05 cmille73: Really great Daniel. Thanks for the Nsight doc!