00:14:37 Siddhartha Ghosh: Today’s meeting page is here: https://wiki.ucar.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=454723770 00:14:59 Siddhartha Ghosh: We will keep all the meeting docs, recordings, etc. available from this page 00:23:07 Rajesh Kumar: @Mick: Great work on restoring Cheyenne for production way ahead of scheduled timeline! We ran experimental real-time air quality forecasts on Cheyenne which are used by the university community as well as the CDPHE. Less down time means faster catch up of the air quality forecasts. Early announcements of the downtime was also very helpful in planning my work for the last week of July! Overall, I was very happy with the whole process. 00:25:15 Mick Coady: Thank you Rajesh! The credit all goes to the many CISL staff who worked very long hours to make it happen. 00:38:43 Jeremy Sauer: Lots of good information shared today. Thank you.