00:27:54 Brian Dobbins: Are the NPL environments available in terms of conda environment.yml files and/or any changes or additions? I never investigated what goes into them, but having consistency across cloud/container platforms and Cheyenne/Derecho might be nice. 00:29:54 clyne: Really exciting news, Brian. Are all of the various Idiosyncrasies of the Casper/Cheyenne environment documented somewhere? 00:32:01 David Bailey: I’m wondering about the timing of this. Will ncar_pylib be going away? 00:36:04 Brian Dobbins: Sounds good, thanks! 00:37:10 David John Gagne: Thank you for putting this together Brian! Is there any plan to include dask-mpi with the python MPI support. 00:37:58 David Bailey: Make sense. Thanks. 00:39:52 David John Gagne: Thanks! 00:40:06 David John Gagne: Can you share slides? I want my group to see all the details? 00:40:17 Brian Vanderwende: Yes, we will put it on the NHUG wiki 00:43:55 David John Gagne: Speaking of cartopy, would NCAR want to host some of the common shapefiles locally to reduce downloads? 00:48:21 Daniel Howard (CSG, NCAR): Another consideration under a CISL provided conda is so that we can ensure frequently used packages are fully optimized for the unique HPC environments we have and are leveraging OpenMP threads/MPI/GPUs effectively 00:50:17 Daniel Howard (CSG, NCAR): tiny.cc/NCARGPUSurvey 00:51:25 Sidd: Https://tiny.cc/NCARGPUSurvey 00:53:33 clyne: Could someone post the tiny url for the survey? Thanks 00:54:02 Brian Vanderwende: Sidd put it just above in the chat (let us know if you can't see it) 00:54:03 Sidd: John just before your post it Is there! 00:54:33 clyne: My chat just refreshed. Thanks! 00:56:12 Sidd: Https://tiny.cc/NCARGPUSurvey 01:03:52 David Bailey: Will we have “baby” Derecho to test on? 01:06:10 Brian Vanderwende: The Derecho test system will be called Gust. :) 01:06:25 David Bailey: I couldn’t remember the name!