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DSM archive files: lsu

On each DSM, the lsu command displays the last 10 archive files.  On the flux system, the lsu command runs lsu on each of the tower DSMs in succession.  If the rsync scripts are running periodically, you will generally only see the current day's files.  The modification time of the last file shown for each DSM should be the current time in UTC.  If run a second time the size of the file should have grown.

Services: sstat

The post processing of CABL data is done on the flux laptop at the BAO tower, and on porter2 at EOL. The systemd service manager is used to start and monitor the processes.


sstat will also show rsync_loop and statsproc@trh_test services on porter2. Those are running in support of the CentNet project.


Restart statistics processing

If you make a change to the XML, you will usually want to restart the statsproc processes.  Only if an XML change effects the archive of the raw data do you need to restart dsm_server on flux.


On porter2  the processes are running under the "maclean" login, and only that user has permission to restart the services. As a work-around, restart_statsproc writes a string to the file $ISFF/projects/$PROJECT/ISFF/logs/statsproc_cmd.txt. The proc_restarter service wakes up every 10 seconds, checks that file, and if it contains the string "restart", does a systemctl --user restart on the statsproc services. 




To reprocess statistics for the whole project, run this command on an EOL server (porter2, barolo, tikal), after setting your project to CABL:
