Versions Compared


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Q from Hernan: prospects for generic interpolation for resolution changes? FFrancois H: coming ahead, probably for increments first in a quarter or two, states TBD.


  • scope out REST API work, develop pilot code
  • speed up scrubbing of expired experiments, run manually for now, put in cron soon
  • implement experiment naming convention


  • geos
    • requires spack-stack update from spack develop
    • run on AWS ParallelCluster (gnu) and macOS (apple-clang) with spack-stack
  • Working on building spack-stack with intel oneapi 2024.0.2
    • no more icc, icpc - but still have ifort in addition to ifx for about a year


  • working on resolving remaining CI failures in new CI


  • updates of fv3-jedi - now use develop in ufs-bundle


  • Kriti adding marine-ufs to skylab, forecasts are working in skylab, working towards 3dvar
  • think 4denvar working, after bugfix to lin var change and parallel time windows
  • diffusion operator for localization, hope to start moving to saber next month
  • work on soca tutorial

COMPO -- Maryam

  • Cleaning up the forecast task in ewok with cycling for geos-cf (PR in Skylab)
  • Adding a 4dvar experiment with geos-aerosol (Draft PR in Skylab and Ewok). The next step is adding htlm for compo
  • finishing tempo 3DFGAT demonstration
  • tuning B matrix for c360 var minimization for trace gas
  • helping Hongli Wang (NOAA/GSL) with the implementation of vader transform for aerosols
  • starting draft for composition paper with COMPO team
  • working on AOP planning

OBS -- Francois V

  • Last week, we merged a UFO PR (#3151) from Hailing and Neill (UK MetOffice), in which some of the hard coded QC procedures were moved from the Fortran code into obs filters and functions that can be activated from YAML configuration files.
  • Sam has written a IODA converter to ingest ocean wind speed from the NASA CYGNSS mission, as well as from other missions from the private sector.
  • There's a PR in UFO (#3173) with a simple obs function to assimilate wind speed only. 



  • finishing touches to UFO validation end-to-end testing
