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If you are going to contribute to the spack-stack repository, development is done by forking the spack-stack repository. This section contains steps to fork spack-stack from, make changes, and issue a PR. 

CI testing

spack-stack CI testing is run by github workflow on a self-hosted runner, which we set up on an AWS instance. This section reviews how to set up a new workflow from scratch, beginning with launching an AWS instance.

Setting up an AWS Instance:

Prerequisites: TODO




Install spack-stack on AWS Instance:

  1. After you are logged into the instance, the next step is to set up and install spack-stack. As user ubuntu create the directory ~/spack-stack/manual_testing. 
  2. Follow the "Prerequisites: Ubuntu (one-off) instructions" from the spack-stack documentation. Note, use "apt" instead of "apt-get".
  3. The follow spack-stack instructions to "Create a new environment". While spack-stack is running the install, you can move on to set up the SWAP space.

Add SWAP space:

These steps are in reference to

Log into the AWS instance


Next we will enable the swapfile using the following step:

Code Block
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
ls -lh /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile      # mark the file as swap space
sudo swapon /swapfile      # enable
sudo swapon --show         # verify

Finally, make the swap file permanent:

Code Block
sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
cat /etc/fstab        # verify

Set up the CI runner:
