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INFRA (Evan):
CI migration for space stack containers, etc. completed.
Ashley completed script to retrieve TEMPO data (from S3), TROPICS, GMI ingest work as well.
R2D2 ingestion for NASA ocean biochemical model and some fixing of Var-BC files.

ALGO (Clementine):

Upcoming coordinated merges:


Work on GEOS build with NASA modules and spck stack modules, able to build with JEDI now too
Hope for release of GEOS-gcm modules+all submodules component soon (common between us and NASA)

COMPO (Jerome):
Worked with Ashley on the acquisition of TEMPO data & sample demo (3DFGAT ~25km spacing)
Maryam finalized HTLM experiment with chem/atmos
GEOS-CF 4dvar cycling; next step to cycle ens

NO-NAME (Francois H):
Generic interpolators in OOPS; also SABER
Optimization work and handling of edge cases

Marine (Hamden):
Bug in HofX (multi-channel data); R2D2 needed a fix; Skylab Exp PR associated with it.
Generic diffusion operator in SABER.
Kriti working on HTLM and fixing a Skylab experiment.

OBS (Hui):
a) Ingest:
 - Satbias converter for some MPAS files needed a bug fix.
 - TEMPO (v3 updates) and SMAP converters completed recently.
b) UFO:
 - SOCA bug fix
 - ATMS hydrometeor check also had a bias correction applied (which needed updating for naming convention changed)
 - Saturation specific humidity filter had to be changed; allow optional since not all model interfaces have GeoVaLs with this variable.
 - Discussion #135 needs participation by others - observations near model edge or outside a limited area domain; also 2 PRs already created.
 - New Space Weather effort (Navy is major in-kind) - will require a new operator for total electron count

CRTM (Ben):
Some work to improve how UFO interfaces to the older CRTM versions within develop.
Requests for aircraft platform observation altitudes. Currently no TL/AD support built in.
Reminder S4 account updates - contact Ben.
Improve land-surface emissivity particularly for UV/Vis - asks others in the land DA groups to provide up to date info.

EMC (Dan):
- LETFK marine work, QC ocean filters
- B-matrix work for aerosols
- Ensemble centering and infrastructure for snow
- Time-series plotting with EVA
- JEDI cycling on WCOSS2 now working
Regional (RRFS v2)
- MGBF efforts in SABER
- PR adding VADER to MPAS-JEDI
- Rejecting obs external to domain (discussion #135)
Atmos DA:
- LETKF memory issues (CRTM simobs)
- Full cube-sphere data pipeline (can we remove FMS I/O from fv3-jedi?)
- Interface to MAGICK model
- Adjoint sensitivities for GraphCast
- Some OBS work with going upstream of prepBUFR for conventional data
- thinning SatWinds

ROMS (Hernan):
Working on diffusion operator mostly

UKMO (Phil U.):
When comparing Obs-Analysis between JEDI and existing UKMO results, need more diagnostic outputs.

GMAO (Jianjun):
Emily L. helped with tropopause pressure problem, which turned out to be a bug in GMAO version of GSI.

Navy (Sarah):
Wrapping up some Skylab-v6 testing; some model physics changes prior to moving towards more recent Skylab releases
LETKF efforts

MMM (Jake):
MPAS v8.1 - good progress migrating into JEDI (multi-week effort expected).