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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Third party dependencies: licenses




If you are going to contribute to the spack-stack repository, development is done by forking the spack-stack repository. This section contains steps to fork spack-stack from, make changes, and issue a PR. 

CI testing

  1. Create a fork of


Setting up an AWS Instance:

Prerequisites: TODO


  1. by clicking the "Fork" button on the top right side of the page to "Fork your own copy of JCSDA/spack-stack". 
  2. Navigate to your repositories and click on the spack-stack repo. Clicking the green "Code" button will show you options to clone this repository. One option is by using https and running git clone<your_username>/spack-stack.git 
  3. Rename your fork to your name in order to help keep track of multiple user and the authoritative forks. Therefore after you clone the repository run git remote rename origin <your_name> . This can be verified by running git remote -v 
  4. You can now create a branch and start developing. Note, make sure you pull the authoritative develop brand if your fork is out of date. 
  5. Once your branch is ready for review, you will need to create a PR inside pointing to your fork and branch. Push your PR to your fork by running git push <your_name> feature/<your_branch> . Then open the PR request form in a bowser adding the necessary information and setting the base repository to JCSDA/spack-stack.

For further reading on using github forks, checkout this site and this one too.



Install spack-stack on AWS Instance:

  1. After you are logged into the instance, the next step is to set up and install spack-stack. As user ubuntu create the directory ~/spack-stack/manual_testing. 
  2. Follow the "Prerequisites: Ubuntu (one-off) instructions" from the spack-stack documentation. Note, use "apt" instead of "apt-get".
  3. The follow spack-stack instructions to "Create a new environment". While spack-stack is running the install, you can move on to set up the SWAP space.

Add SWAP space:

These steps are in reference to

Log into the AWS instance


Next we will enable the swapfile using the following step:

Code Block
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
ls -lh /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile      # mark the file as swap space
sudo swapon /swapfile      # enable
sudo swapon --show         # verify

Finally, make the swap file permanent:

Code Block
sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
cat /etc/fstab        # verify

Set up the CI runner:
