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Comment: add updating ci disk space

Continous Continuous Integration


Documentation: via multiple READMEs inside the GitHub repository

Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Updating CI instance disk space

Use the following procedure to update the disk space for the ci instances if they are running out of space.

  1. Add an additional EBS volume and mount it on the instance
  2. Move the spack-stack build and source caches there and link to current locations
  3. Turn swapfile off on root filesystem and enable on new volume
  4. Created 500Gb EBS volume “Ubuntu 22.04 CI Intel”
  5. Mounted on EC2 instance following
  6. Partitioned on EC2 instance, created ext4 filesystem and mounted via /etc/fstab entry following Linux standard practices - mounted as /mnt/addon ; see for one of many tutorials
  7. Moved spack source and build caches to /mnt/addon/spack-stack/{build,source}-cache
  8. Created 128GB swapfile /mnt/addon/swapfile and removed 64GB swapfile /swapfile (incl. fstab entries); this again is Linux boilerplate, see e.g.

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