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Table of Contents

Issues are ordered from most recent to least recent. 

NOTE: The SE Advection error and CLM time-averaging


8 July 2022: A bug has been identified in CLM that probably has affected most MUSICAv0 simulations.  This bug results in erroneous calculations of the time-averaged (1-day, 10-days) temperature, photon flux, and other variables, that are used in the MEGAN biogenic emissions calculation (and elsewhere in CLM).  See discussion at the CTSM github issue #1789

In general Isoprene emissions are reduced with bug fix.

Image Removed

Advection error in SE

errors are fixed in recent versions of CESM2.2.

CLUBB interface and water vapor

Date of report: June 2024
Title: CLUBB conversion from wet to dry mixing ratios
Issue: CLUBB (Cloud Layers Unified By Binormals) is a sub-gridscale parameterization of clouds and turbulence. It includes a conversion from wet to dry mixing ratios, that was incorrectly set to "double dry", and wet tracers were not converted to dry.
Model tags affected: The issue was committed in tag cam6_3_094 and remained later versions.
Model response: Impacts on stratospheric water vapor and potential influence on the "tape recorder".
Fix: Correct code in clubb_intr.F90.
More information: Issue described here: ESCOMP GitHub issue 1053
Code fix here: AMWG GitHub Issue 545

FHIST and F2000climo compsets not defined properly

Date of report: December 2023
Title: Failure to build FHIST and F2000climo compsets
Issue: For CESM2.2 on Derecho, the default FHIST and F2000climo compsets are not defined properly. 
Fix: Try using: 

Regridding error

Date of report: November 2023
Title: IPT NCL regridding code does not recognize ncl
Issue: Casper has problems loading modules within a script (should be fixed by Dec 1), such as
Model tags affected: Pre-simulation input data processing.
Fix: within a PBS script use:

Code Block
source /etc/profile.d/z00_modules.csh 
module load ncl

More information

Sometimes the script crashes because it cannot find the log directory. Add the following lines to fix:

Code Block
if( ! -d $MYLOGDIR ) then
     mkdir $MYLOGDIR
     echo "Directory exists"

Topography file error

Date of report: February 2023
Title: Topography file error 2022
Issue: Regional refined topography was in the incorrect location/orientation
Model tags affected: NCAR_Topo_2_0_1 files for regional refinement. An erroneous topography file was specified for use when creating variable resolution grids between April 2022 and Jan 2023. 
Model response: Gravity waves impacted, incorrect transport, chemistry fields displaced
Fix: Reprocess topography and re-run model simulations. If you created your own grid during that period please checkout the updated code at: and recreate your topography file for your grid and re-run any simulations. To check if your topography file has this error, plot ANGLL vs ANGLX.  In a "good" topo-file these variables should have large differences. In a "bad" file they will be very close everywhere.

Also be sure to recreate any regridded met (GEOS or MERRA2) files that used the incorrect topo file.
More information: AMWG Github issue 213

Advection error in SE

Date of report: 2022
Title: Advection error in Spectral Element dycore
Issue: Spurious vertical transport was found over steep topography.  The issue is described in this github AMWG GitHub issue #151

The correction for current development tags is provided in CAM github issue #633

Model tags affected: ???
Model response: ???
Fix: For CESM2.2.0 source code the correction is, in src/dynamics/se/dycore/prim_advance_mod.F90 (at l.578), replace:

Code Block








Code Block







More information: The correction for current development tags is provided in CAM github issue #633
Update Nov 1, 2022: Please see additional code fix described in CAM github issue #678.

Topography file error

An erroneous topography file was specified for use when creating variable resolution grids between April 2022 and Jan 2023.  If you created your own grid during that period please checkout the updated code at:

and recreate your topography file for your grid and re-run any simulations.


CLM time-averaging bug affecting MEGAN emissions

Date of report: 8 July 2022
Title: Incorrect calculation of MEGAN emissions
Issue: A bug has been identified in CLM that probably has affected most MUSICAv0 simulations. 
Model tags affected: MEGAN emissions, especially in regional refined simulations. MUSICAv0 simulations before July, 2022.
Model response: This bug results in erroneous calculations of the time-averaged (1-day, 10-days) temperature, photon flux, and other variables, that are used in the MEGAN biogenic emissions calculation (and elsewhere in CLM).
Fix: Added a fix to accumulation code CTSM/src/main/accumulMod.F90
In general, Isoprene emissions are reduced with the bug fix.

Image Added

More information: See discussion at the CTSM GitHub issue #1789

Chemistry mechanism bug

Date of report: 2021
Title: MPAN+M chemistry bug
Issue: In the TS1 and TSMLT1 chemistry mechanisms (compsets FCnudged, FCHIST, FWHIST, etc.) the MPAN+M reaction is not calculated because the user reaction refers to a reaction not in the mechanism (tag_MCO3_NO2 instead of usr_MCO3_NO2).  This error does not exist in the TS2 chemical mechanisms.
Model tags affected: Not in versions CESM2.1 and prior. Found in version CESM2.2, May 2021. Fixed in version CAM6_3_019.
Model response: Missing chemistry.
Fix: Update chemical mechanism from:

Code Block
[usr_MCO3_NO2] MCO3 + NO2 + M -> MPAN + M


Code Block
[tag_MCO3_NO2] MCO3 + NO2 + M -> MPAN + M. ; 9.7e-29, 5.6, 9.3e-12, 1.5, 0.6

More information:  CAM GitHub issue #364 
Contact Louisa Emmons with any questions.