NOTE: The SE Advection error and CLM time-averaging errors are fixed in recent versions of CESM2.2.
FHIST and F2000climo compsets not defined properly
Date of report: December 2023
Title: Failure to build FHIST and F2000climo compsets
Issue: For CESM2.2 on Derecho, the default FHIST and F2000climo compsets are not defined properly.
Fix: Try using:
Regridding error
Date of report: November 2023
Title: IPT NCL regridding code does not recognize ncl
Issue: Casper has problems loading modules within a script (should be fixed by Dec 1), such as https://github.com/NCAR/IPT/blob/master/Meterological_Reanalysis_Data/Spectral_element_dycore/Gen_Data_ne0CONUSne30x8/Gen_MERRA2_ne0CONUSne30x8_mt12.csh
Model tags affected: Pre-simulation input data processing.
Fix: within a PBS script use: