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Score calculation progress

OBS - Hui

Greg and Ben J. Working on something with CRTM

Greg- QC flags and filters

Winds decoders

New Obs error models (Lindsey)

Fabio - MPAS Jedi


Super refraction (Hailing)Obs team is actively working with CRTM to further improve the reflectance assimilation capability. Its prototype was implemented and tested in the past quarter; Obs team has also added QC flags entry into all UFO operators, which opens the pathway to limit the UFO simulations to the observations passing QC filters. The use of QC flags has been implemented to the CRTM operator at this point. Coordinated PRs among OOPS, UFO, UFO-data are under review; Meanwhile, OBS team is actively working on optimize observation models for both MW and RO, which allows adaptive errors to be used in different weather scenarios (e.g.,  cloudy areas, ducting situations); MetOffice visitoring program continues to support the OBS team to refactor the RO operators and allow the separation of filters and operators for this particular obs type.

CRTM - Cheng

CRTM v3.1.0 was released on Dec 21th, 2023, with new features such as active sensor and DDA cloud tables. We are working on finalizing the user guide for CRTM v3.1.0.
