Next Steps, 11/7/07

Attendees: John & Alan

With 1.2 release behind us we need to determine future VAPOR directions. Long term we need to identify thrust areas (e.g. WRF support, spherical grid community, etc). Short term (between now and year-end) the focus will be on building VAPOR user community (the WRF community in particular), and gathering success stories from existing user base with which to promote VAPOR.

WRF outreach efforts to be undertaken:

  • Reach out to existing contacts
  • Work with WRF leaders to host a VAPOR seminar
  • Announcement on WRF mailing list (done)

A number of items need to be addressed before meeting with WRF community:

  1. Put together a demo with WRF data (Thara's data looks well suited for this)
  2. Improve WRF "getting started" documentation
  3. Minimal support for texture mapping terrain

Identified users to be contacted for follow-up meetings. Purpose of meetings is to: 1) assess current status (identify needs, etc), and 2)  solicit imagery and text to support VAPOR success stories. Users to be contacted include:

  • Mike Waite
  • Yongshen Chen
  • Peter Sullivan
  • Net Patton
  • Piotr Smolarkiewicz
  • Josh Hacker
  • George Bryan
  • Leigh Orf
  • Cindy Bruyere
  • Patrice Klien

Action Items


  1. Arrange user meetings: Alan will contact first five on list, John last five.
  2. Complete WRF prep (Alan)

Planning, 12/17/07

1.2.2 release

  • Target 1.2.2 release for first week of January in time for meeting with Wei
  • Alan still fixing bugs reported by Victor
  • Victor is producing an informal text document that can be used for regression testing with WRF data

1.3 release

  • Need to engage SC and users to prepare for 1.3 release
  • Conduct user survey (users + SC) asking for input on VAPOR priorities. Seek help from SC to arbitrate responses, possibly shuffle priorities, etc.
  • In interim, while waiting for survey results, need to identify a few high-priority, modest effort items that we can work on 

Action items

  1. Prepare user survey (John)
  2. List of potential items for short-term development (alan & john)

Wei  Wang & Cindy B., 1/3/08

Cindy concerned about consulting load on their group if VAPOR made available as a general WRF tool. Assured Cindy that we have resources to provide consulting

Wei had misconception that we only wanted to serve large data users.

Version 3 of WRF coming - may introduce new data type (projections)

 Wei suggest adding VAPOR link to WRF user web page - lists tools that can be used with VAPOR

Cindy suggests a WRF quick start guide - where to get software, a sample data set, how to use it  - an intro documented tailored to a WRF user

2700 people on WRF user's list - we can mail to it - cindy can provide address

Also have a WRF users guide that VAPOR information can be added to.

June 23 there will be a week-long User workshop - we should touch base in February.

Suggest joint CISL/MMM seminar.

 VAPOR only works with ARW core, not NMM core - need to be clear about this

Quick Start!!!

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