01/27/2012 @ KCLE

12:12 UTC -
WX Scenario:

Weak instability behind surface low and cold front

Production of SLW in reduced condensation nuclei post-frontal airmass


Widespread 'IHL=yes' icing conditions at all tilts induced by the SLW algorithm match with the PIREP icing conditions in this stratiform case.  The non-polarized with SLW and nonpolarized without SLW algorithms both miss classifying ans area as 'IHL=yes'.

Surface temperature is at freezing at PIREP time.  ** Need to plot the radiometer ILW.  Ka-band data is missing **

PIREP: 'DH8 BKL UA /OV CXR275020/TM 1206/FL100/TP DH8/TA M05/IC MXD MOD ICING FL100-FL120' 

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