02/24/2012 @ KCLE

16:46 UTC -
WX Scenario:

KCLE is just behind a developing occluded front associated with a surface low pressure at the MOG PIREP time.


As seen in NIRSS ILW, the MOG PIREP time is at the start of a ramp-up of radiometer detected ILW and 20 minutes before a rain shower (radiometer wet/dry indicator).  NIRSS hazard field shows MOG conditions in the upper cloud levels near the PIREP time.  The polarized IHL product shows significant areas of SLW='yes icing' in the PIREP quadrant of the radar volume.  The modified single-pol SLW algorithm shows some 'yes icing' areas only at steeper tilts but not in the PIREP quadrant.

PIREP:  ' C340LPRUA /OV DJB360015/TM 1645/FL050/TP C340/TA M02/IC MDT MXD ICING 050-110' 

22:31 UTC -
WX Scenario:

KCLE is just behind a developing occluded front associated with a surface low pressure at the MOG PIREP time.  As the low moves northeast of KCLE, a boundary layer wind component off of the unfrozen lake enhances moisture advection and further destabilizes the lower atmosphere.


NIRSS detects a significant period of MOG icing severity around the time of the MOG PIREP.  The NIRSS ka-band radar profile shows the reported icing is occurring at 5-10 dBZ at the reported hazard height of 6,000 feet.  The polarized IHL had a significant area of SLW='yes icing' at all tilts.  The modified single-pol SLW algorithm did fairly well at matching SLW='yes icing' altitudes with the polarized algorithm in this case.




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