6/27/13        Professional Development “Informal Learning Environments”

Tag Up Summary lead by Becca

Emily C-A started the meeting with 2 announcements:

1)   Teamwork between UCAR and NCAR (lead by herself and Maura over the summer) is the planned approach for working on language for the new NCAR Cooperative Agreement.

2)   It’s official, Spark will now be able to lead their own proposals. Yea! We will engage in new proposals strategically as a team.

Here are the key takeaways that Wendy had from the meeting:

  • Teri and Randy were freshly back from attending ISTE and had a great learning experience. ACTION: We agreed they would summarize some key learning points, share links, etc. The plan is to maybe dust off a previously used form for sharing lessons learned at conferences and wkshps. Time frame?
  • We all read the document that summarized the research in this area and Becca shared that as she has worked with scientists to develop content for exhibits bringing this research based information about what does and doesn’t work to their attention has been very helpful.
  • We had a rich discussion about the material covering what parents bring to and potentially subtract from the exhibit/learning experience as they interact in various ways with their children. IDEA: Develop materials to advise adults on best practices for interacting with youngsters in informal learning environments. Not only might enrich their ML experience, but extend to their interactions in other informal learning environments as well!
  • We then had an extended discussion about supporting visitors with disabilities as they move through our exhibits. We talked about all we do, and all we could do to make it even better! Specific concerns were across the range, sight impairment, hearing, mobility, etc.    We discussed that we would be proud to set a national example of how to do this exceptionally well! Ems noted that local partners (DAM and DMNS) do this already and we could certainly consult with them. OPPORTUNITY: Seek funding specifically to enhance our services and exhibit experiences specifically for these audiences.
  • Next we discussed many aspects of the need to further enhancing our offerings for Spanish-speaking visitors. OPPORTUNITY: Seek funding specifically to enhance our services and exhibit experiences specifically for this audience.
  • The paper referenced a “Funnel Approach” to a museum experience and we agreed that we could explicitly plan for and explain to educators that we are implanting/using a funnel approach to enhance visitors learning experiences. This includes exhibits and classroom interacting in new ways that build even further upon each other. (We do this some now.) ACTION: Document how we ARE doing this now, and where we could do it even more and then share with visiting educators and group leaders. Time frame?
  • Ems asked for an overall picture of all ML education activities. This should be developed quickly as an overview to help show where we are weak which means those areas are opportunities to seek funding to fill! It’s related to “If you had a magic wand for the ML, what would you want/do?” ACTION: Becca and Teri will meet and develop this quick overview picture by mid-July.
  • We also discussed the need to let visitors end on a positive note/call to action so they leave climate exhibit with a positive note and ideas about what to do next (rather than depressed.)
  • IDEA: A sidebar discussion lead us to ask, Do we want to seek funding to partner with others to do Education Research?” We have many visitors and the opportunity is there. We will think about and seek opportunities within house as we stand up this capacity for all of UCP in fall.
  • Lastly, we pondered if our visitors MIGHT be an easier audience to connect with than if we tried the same things on a national scale. We agreed this is something to pay attention to.

Minutes are also available in a Word Doc under "Tools" / "Attachments".

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