Check the FAQ tab on this page for some answers (but not RAL-specific in some cases)



  1. MeetingMaker calendar history will be migrated from Jan 2010 to present, including pending and future meetings
  2. Mailbox history stored on the RAL mail server will be migrated.  Local folders will NOT be migrated.  Trash folder will NOT be migrated.
  3. Your UCAS password will be used to login to GoogleApps (including Mail/Drive/Calendar)


  1. Mailman (RAL or UCAR) mailing lists: will these still exist?  will they be automatically migrated to google-groups?  do we need to schedule staff time to do the migration?
  2. RAL mail aliases: see #2
  3. UCAR group email accounts (i.e. migrate to what?  what protocols (MMM and DTC both access this; labels or ?)
  4. Who will maintain the Google Groups for email "aliases" such as allral, or jnt-staff, etc. 

Use Cases

  1. Each month/year/etc, I archive my mail in-box to an off-line folder that I can still access but it's not cluttering my inbox... what would be the recommended way to do this using GoogleMail
  2. I need to collaborate on documents with non-UCAR colleagues.  Can I give them access to only those docs they need to see?  Are they required to have a Google account of some sort?

How will I ...


  • No labels