Fri 20 Feb, 14:00 MST

The DSM at 300m is up and logging data (as of 20:23 UTC).  It has one sonic (pointing SE), and the TRH.

At first the usbdisk (a 60GB pocketec) was not mounting.  I power cycled it:

tusb 1 0
tusb 1 1

But it still wouldn't mount.  I did a soft reboot from FLAB and all is happy.

Bruce has installed the other levels, each with one SE sonic and a TRH, and powered them up, but the network connections are not working.  So we don't really know whether the data is being saved.  I believe all those have flash drives and not pocketecs, so I am pretty optimistic they are logging data.

The flux laptop is also up.  See the internal CABL web page for how to login from FLAB.