
  • WRFHELP emails
  • Regression tests

Near future

  • Dynamic constraint slides for January tutorial
  • Get GEN_BE 2.0 into github repository
  • Update REGTEST page for friendly release

Before next release

  • Update User's guide (add instructions for new features, add section for RANDOMCV)
  • Better radar and hybrid tutorial cases
  • Write cycling guide

Further future

  • Make script for creating/viewing increments from REGTEST
  • Plot for local weather from realtime system
  • Verification of realtime runs from GFS
  • New MADIS2LITTLER release to address known issue


Known problems; should be investigated?

  • Bad outer loop values still for print_detail_be (fort.502)
  • NETCDF4 runtime issues
  • HDF5 gfortran issues
  • Potential RANDOMCV issue (increment only changes for different seed1, not seed2)
  • Potential problems still for RTTOV 4DVAR


  • No labels