• 8/31/16


No winds this morning. Notice no pressure coming in from s3 and s15. The xml config needs to be updated.
No data from Rad/Soil system at 15. This may be a USB issue. 

Actions past 24 hours:

  • replace battery at tall tower
  • started shooting boom angles on tall tower, will finish today

To dos:

  • replace battery at tall tower
  • work on data displays (this will be a daily task for the next week)
  • finish shooting tall tower booms
  • possible trip to station 15 to deal with Rad/Soil

Sensor status:

T/RH:  s9,s10 down
P: ok at s1
2D Gill: ok
csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: spiking up to 1
csat w, tc: ok
EC150: ok
motes: data not coming in
Wetness: unknown
radiation: unknown
Tsoil: unknown
Gsoil: unknown
Qsoil: unknown
Cvsoil: unknown
Battery: Gary says he needs to do some configuration work and we are short some cables, sites 2,3,4,and 14

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