Tower Locations

At the site visit on 4/8/04 we came up with a few possible locations for the three towers (Aspen, Pine, and Willow sites). The coordinates for these possible locations are given below, along with notes on each site. Maps and scanned copies of hand-drawn sketches will appear here soon. All coordinates are using the WGS 84 datum
C1 (trailer): N 40 02.166', W 105 32.606'

Aspen site:

Site 3 (deemed most desirable): N 40 02.091', W 105 32.558'

  • Logistically very good
  • Tower site has low scrub cover
  • Mostly surrounded by conifers, with a stand of aspen nearby (to NE)
  • <= 325 ft. from road
  • < 200 - 300 ft. from creek
    Site 1 (2nd most desirable): N 40 02.126', W 105 32.606'
  • Small clearing
  • Within 300 feet of road
    Site 2 (deemed least desirable): N 40 02.115', W 105 32.575'
  • In or near an aspen grove
    Other point of interest: trail junction: N 40 02.115', W 105 32.602'
  • Clearing at a 4-way trail junction
  • 300 trail-feet from parking lot at C1 site
  • 200 feet from stream
    Site 3 (the latest choice)
  • N 40 02.112', W 105 32.5559'

Pine site:

Site 1 (deemed most desirable): N 40 02.158', W 105 32.825'

  • 270 feet from road
  • Aspen grove to South, conifers in other directions
  • 75 feet NE of trail
  • open area
    Site 2 (possibly better scientifically, but too far from road): N 40 02.136', W 105 32.783'
  • Closer to creek than Site 1 (<= 200 feet from creek)
  • Just South of trail
  • Slightly less open than Site 1
  • Surrounded entirely by conifers
  • 360 feet from road (or slightly less) - probably too far

Willow site:

Site 1: N 40 02.151', W 105 33.109'

  • <= 300 feet from road
  • Very open area: shrubby
  • Will be marshy and wet once snow melts
  • Surrounded by conifers
  • Lots of dead trees - probably from flooding
  • No labels