GIS Resources

As discussed at the Keystone Science Meeting, the GIS resources produced by CSU NREL are now available. Covering the current ACME project area, these include:

  • Digital elevation model (1km resolution, state of Colorado)
  • Hillslope (1km resolution, state of Colorado)
  • Aspect (1km resolution, state of Colorado)
  • Elevation zones (1km resolution, state of Colorado)
  • Counties (1km resolution, state of Colorado)
  • State boundaries (state of Colorado)
  • Land cover (1km resolution, state of Colorado)
  • Soils (STAGSGO soils, state of Colorado)
  • GPP (MODIS product, 1km resolution, state of Colorado, daily from 31 March 2004 to 31 August 2004)
    These resources are available within the UCAR CIT domain. For more information, contact
    The SRTM grid (resolution 30m, elevation in meters) and contour lines, are available in tiff and ESRI GRID format. At this time, you must have access to the CIT domain to use these resources. The same grid in feet will be available soon.
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