
BGS Meeting (02 Apr 2004)

ACME-CDAM Weekly Meeting (16 Apr 2004)

BGS Outside Review Committee Meeting (21-22 June 2004)

MODIS Vegetation II Workshop (17-19 Aug 2004)

  • Jeffery A. Hicke, Dennis S. Ojima, Steven Running, David Schimel, Using Remote Sensing Products in Carbon Cycle Studies of the Mountainous Western US

Modeling and Data Analysis of North American CO2 (29-30 Sep 2004)

  • Britt Stephens, CME, ACME, and Regional CO 2 Fluxes in the Mountain West
  • Dave Schimel, Bill Sacks, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder CO, Britt Stephens, Steve Running, University of Montana, Jielun Sun NCAR, Dennis Ojima, Colorado State University and ACME Investigators, Looking for carbon in all the wrong places: Multi-scale carbon measurements in the Rocky Mountains-ACME 04
  • Bill Sacks, Dave Schimel, Russ Monson, and Rob Braswell, Assimilation modeling of CO 2 fluxes at Niwot Ridge, CO, and strategy for scaling up to the region
  • Jia Hu, Chun-Ta Lai, Britt Stephens, James Ehleringer, Russ Monson, and Dave Schimel, Boundary-layer measurements of CO 2 concentration, carbon and oxygen isotopes of atmospheric CO 2 over montane forest regions in Colorado, USA
  • Bill Sacks, Dave Schimel, Russ Monson, and Rob Braswell, Model-data synthesis of CO 2 fluxes at Niwot Ridge, Colorado
  • pending

    NCAR TIMES ABR (18 April 2005, Boulder, Colorado)

  • ACME/CME Participants
  • Stephan De Wekker, S. Aulenbach, B. Sacks, D. Schimel, B. Stephens, T. Vukicevic, and X.Warren-Laird, The Airborne Carbon in the Mountains Experiment (ACME): Initial Modeling Results
  • Dave Schimel, CME-07 Preliminary Experiment Design
  • David Schimel, Britt Stephens, Stephan de Wekker, Jielun Sun, Bill Sacks, Steve Aulenbach, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Russ Monson, University of Colorado, Dennis Ojima, Colorado State University, Steve Running University of Montana, Chun-Ta Lai, University of Utah; ACME + CME: goals, methods , results
  • Stephan De Wekker, B. Stephens, B. Sacks, S. Aulenbach, T. Vukicevic, and D. Schimel: Regional-Scale Estimation of Carbon Fluxes in Complex Terrain Using a Budget Approach During the Airborne Carbon in the Mountains Experiment

1st iLEAPS Science Conference (21-26 January, 2006, Boulder, Colorado)

  • Stephan De Wekker, B. Stephens, B. Sacks, S. Aulenbach, T. Vukicevic, and D. Schimel: Linking CO2 surface fluxes to concentrations in the atmospheric boundary layer over complex terrain
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