There are several ways in the Swiki to use uploaded images.

  • #Upload and Link
  • #Link directly
  • #Shrink by hand
  • #Putting it all together

    Just upload and link

    I uploaded the following picture to the Swiki, and then when I refer to its name, I can see the picture:
    looks like this:

    This is best for small pictures (both file size and small width and height)

    Link directly

    When you upload a picture, you can reference it directly from the uploads directory in which it gets stored. Go to "Uploads to this page" and copy the location of an image. You can create the URL manually from the number of the page.
    For example, this is page 32 and the image is called ithaca.jpg, so you can do the following:
    [Download Large Ithaca Picture|ithaca.jpg]
    Makes this:
    Download Ithaca Picture
    You can also use this to link from a "thumbnail" to a larger picture:
    [<img src="ithaca-small.jpg"|ithaca.jpg]

    Shrink the Image by hand

    Using the above technique, you can set the width and height of an image. Here, I'll take the large ithaca image and display it small:
    <img src="ithaca.jpg" width="100" height="138">

    Note that when you use this solution, you are downloading the whole (potentially large) picture and then scaling it in the browser. For many large images on a page, this can be quite slow.

    Putting it All Together

    Here is an example that uses the Swiki table-making features, (using | characters) and links to make things that look like a photo gallery
    | !ithaca-small.jpg! |
    | [Taughannock Falls|ithaca.jpg] |
    | [] |
    | [UCAR|] |
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