A few things done today.  Now all sensors are reporting from the 10 towers that are operating.

  • We've organized our teams and instrumentation to be able to start immediately on Monday.
  • DTU again came to the rescue and installed the missing SHT sensors in our TRH housings on tse13.  In the process, we've lost the voltage-monitoring mote at tse13t, but this isn't a big deal.  I'm guessing that the Binder cable was knocked off.
  • We installed DC power drops at 3 valley sites.
  • 3 more towers are prepped.
  • tse09's 24V power connection came loose this morning and was serviced.
  • I played around a bit more with webplots.
  • Kurt and I did feasibilities for 3 future projects...

Consistent with most of VERTEX and Perdigao, tomorrow (Sunday) is a down day.