we set up TNW05 today (and yesterday)

all sonics below 20 m are pointing to the NW because of trees. Had to remove many limbs from a tree that was leaning into the tower just to be able to hang the booms.

lower DSM has wrong IP address, need to bring a laptop up to the site to remedy.

visited many sites yesterday to work on "to do" list, see Gary's posts from earlier today.

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  1. Did you mean the upper DSM has the wrong IP address?  The lower one (tnw05b) looks correct to me.  The upper one is correct also, but you may have checked against an old address.  It's original address of had also been assigned to the ISS, so I changed the address of tnw05t to  Sorry I didn't mention that earlier.  It was corrected in the google docs, but not in any of the existing printouts.  So nice job getting them online!


  2. For some reason tnw05t chronyd will not synchronize to the PPS, even though the GPS messages look good.  The system time was around 15 seconds off.  So I added tnw05b as a time server, and now tnw05t at least has a good system time now, and samples will stop getting dropped by the archiver sorter on ustar.  I don't know if we'll ever have time to investigate why the PPS is not working.


  3. The RMYoung in port 1 on tnw05t is showing the same noisy messages as we saw on the 10m sonic at rsw02, which we fixed by moving to one of the ports for the other UART.  In case you hadn't tried it yet, I'd suggest moving that sonic from port 1 to port 6.

    I made the mistake of updating tnw05b and tnw05t before checking whether the config on the DSM still matched the master version.  If you changed anything at the site, I lost those changes, sorry.  If you can tell me what they were, I will make the changes again.

    Related to that, according the config installed now, there should be a RMYoung on port 4 on tnw05t, but nothing is responding on that port.  Maybe you already knew that.

    The sonics on tnw05b all look good, but I don't see any data for TRH sensors on ports 4 and 5, and the soil temperature probe looks bad.  Or maybe it's not plugged in?

        daq@tnw05b:~ $ data_dump -l 2 -p -i -1,0x8120
        |--- date time --------|  deltaT   id          len data...
        2017 04 17 20:31:04.8140       0  5,0x8120      32     -0.001     -0.001     -0.001     -0.001        nan        nan        nan        nan 
        2017 04 17 20:31:09.8136       5  5,0x8120      32     -0.001     -0.001     -0.001     -0.001          0          0          0          0 
        2017 04 17 20:31:14.8137       5  5,0x8120      32     -0.001     -0.001     -0.001     -0.001          0          0          0          0 
        2017 04 17 20:31:19.8135       5  5,0x8120      32     -0.001     -0.001     -0.001     -0.001          0          0          0          0