Overall processing plan for CCSM and PCM data to be submitted for IPCC AR4

Last updated: &LastModifiedDate; at &LastModifiedTime;




Table of CCSM/PCM runs to be processed with PCMDI requirements

Table of CCSM/PCM runs to be processed with parent runs and other notes

28 Jun 2005 update

  1. Working on disk 11, including SRESA2 O1 data transferred from NERSC
  2. 'rlus' field from both CCSM3 and PCM1 replaced with sigma*ts^4, as per Bill Collins
  3. 'snd' (snow depth) has very tiny (10^-20 to 10^-40) values, which causes problems with computing SWE (snow water equivalent). To be trimmed to remove these very small values.
  4. All erroneous 'mrfso' fields have been fixed and will be replaced at PCMDI.
  5. Most erroneous 'tasmax' have been fixed.

    14 Mar 2005 update

  6. Disk 06 shipped, containing ~640GB of data, mostly ocean data, both models.
  7. The ocean "fixed" (ocean depths) field for all scenarios for both CCSM and PCM1 are completed.
  8. The erroneous 'tasmax' fields from PCM1 are being corrected.
  9. Scott Weese is processing the CCSM PIcntrl (b30.009) ocean data
  10. Marika Holland has given her OK for the CCSM sea ice data processing
  11. The regridding code for all four necessary (ocn/ice, CCSM/PCM1) is working at NCAR (mineral/tempest) ORNL (eagle) and NERSC (seaborg)
    The following "crosswalk" tables are completed:

    Issues/Work to be done:

  12. # LOW PRIORITY:Creation of referenceable web page for all this work.
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    Basic principles

    Processing should be done as close the archival system as possible:
  13. -ORNL processing on eagle/cheetah;
  14. -NERSC processing on seaborg;
  15. -NCAR processing on mineral/tempest.
    Once data has been processed, we will determine the most efficient means to get it onto the disk(s) PCMDI is in the process of supplying us. We may want to have disks available at each site to avoid having to ship the data back to NCAR first. The first LaCIE 1 TB USB2 external disk arrived on 21 Sep 2004. It has been successfully made available from mineral under /project/ipcc as of 07 Oct. GS has opened discussions with the appropriate folks on using the ESG "DataMover" package to ship data from ORNL/NCAR to PCMDI. Also, Mike Wehner will take care of the NERSC data once it's back on the NERSC HPSS.
    Concatenate all data into as few ~2GB netCDF files as required.

    Table of data volumes by experiment type requested

    PCMDI-generated data volume information: *IPCC dataset size3.pdf


    |Experiment|atm mon|atm day|atm 6h|lnd mon|ocn mon|ice mon| |*total*
    |Data volume per 10y|&nbsp;&nbsp;16 GB|&nbsp;22 GB|&nbsp;31 GB|3 GB|&nbsp;38 GB| 3 GB| |&nbsp;&nbsp;113 GB|
    |Preindustrial control (500y), 1 member|800 GB|1100 GB|1550 GB|150 GB|1900 GB|&nbsp;150 GB| |5650 GB|
    |Present-day control (300y), 1 member|&nbsp;480 GB|660 GB|930 GB|90 GB|1440 GB|&nbsp;90 GB| |3390 GB|
    |20th century (110y), 5x, each|&nbsp;176 GB|242 GB|341 GB|33 GB|418 GB|&nbsp;33 GB| |&nbsp;1243 GB (4851 GB)|
    |Commitment (100y), 5x, each|&nbsp;160 GB|220 GB|310 GB|30 GB|380 GB|&nbsp;30 GB| |&nbsp;1130 GB (4410 GB)|
    |IPCC A2 (100y), 5x, each|&nbsp;160 GB|220 GB|310 GB|30 GB|380 GB|&nbsp;30 GB| |&nbsp;1130 GB (4410 GB)|
    |IPCC A1B  (100y), 5x, each|&nbsp;160 GB|220 GB|310 GB|30 GB|380 GB|&nbsp;30 GB| |&nbsp;1130 GB (4410 GB)|
    |IPCC B1 (100y), 5x, each|&nbsp;160 GB|220 GB|310 GB|30 GB|380 GB|&nbsp;30 GB| |&nbsp;1130 GB (4410 GB)|
    |CO2 to 2x (220y), 1 member|&nbsp;352 GB|484 GB|682  GB|66 GB|836GB|&nbsp;66 GB| |2486 GB|
    |CO2 to 4x (290y), 1 member|&nbsp;464 GB|638 GB|899 GB|87 GB|1102 GB|&nbsp;87 GB| |3277 GB|
    |slab ocean|
    *| | | | | | | |37294 GB|

Assignment of tasks, in priority order

  1. NCL-based stats package - GS with JMA assistance
  2. Global metadata and acknowledgements - LB with WC approval
  3. Ocn/ice regridding package - GS in consultation with Frank Bryan et.al.\
  4. IPCC AR4 web page - GS in consultation with Sylvia Murphy
  5. Overall crank-turning - IS, HT, GS, CSEG volunteers as needed


    Priority order (more spaces means later, as much simultaneity as possible), overall priority is atm mon, atm day, atm 6hr, lnd mon, ocn mon, ice mon.
  6. 20thC CCSM atm mon
  7. -20thC PCM atm mon
  8. -20thC CCSM atm daily/6hr
  9. --20thC PCM atm daily
  10. 20thC CCSM lnd mon
  11. --Controls CCSM atm mon
  12. --Controls CCSM atm daily/6hr
  13. ---Controls CCSM lnd mon
  14. ---Controls PCM atm mon
  15. ----Controls PCM atm daily
  16. Scenarios CCSM atm mon
  17. ----Scenarios CCSM atm daily
  18. -----Scenarios CCSM lnd mon
  19. ----Scenarios PCM atm mon
  20. -----Scenarios PCM atm daily
    ocn mon, ice mon to follow.
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