The differences between singularity and Docker (

Permissionsthe process inside the container is running with  “root” privileges user permissions inside the Singularity container are the same as outside the container
Filesystemhas no direct access to the host’s file system except for those directories that are explicitly cross mounted into the container.the process that the user is running sees the user’s home directory, and the user’s environment is shared seamlessly. 
ImageDocker images come in layers, and they are assembled like layers of a cake to generate a running imageSingularity image is an actual file that you could put in entirety on your desktop, and move around as you would with any other file. 

Step-by-step guide

Installation (You don’t need to have Docker installed)

Please visit here to install the Singularity tools on your computer. (root privilege is needed)

Install the latest official release

It is critical to install the latest official release., as of Oct. 2, 2017

Click here for instructions to install Singularity on Mac OS X.

Check the singularity version
[xinzhang@xzhang-qua ~]$ singularity --version

# Please make sure you installed the latest 2.4 version

  1. Check out the Singularity image

    check out the singularity image
    [xinzhang@localhost jedi]$ singularity pull shub://JCSDA/singularity
    Progress |===================================| 100.0% 
    Done. Container is at: /home/xinzhang/jedi/JCSDA-singularity-master.simg

  2. Running the Singularity image

    running the singularity image
    [xinzhang@localhost jedi]$ singularity shell -e JCSDA-singularity-master.simg   # -e option cleans all environment before running container
    Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container...
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~/jedi> cd
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> pwd

    All the steps below are optional and depend on what you intend to use.

    To work with the jedi-bundle, follow the instructions in the README of that repository once you have reached this point.

    To exit the singularity container or vagrant at any time, type exit

  3. Check out the GSI code and get case (T24) data

    check out the GSI code
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> mkdir -p ~/jedi/code
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd ~/jedi/code
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> git clone gsi   # Check out the GSI code, please replace Your_UserName with your bitbucket username
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd gsi/
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> git submodule init   # Check out the external repositories
    Submodule 'fix' ( registered for path 'fix'
    Submodule 'libsrc' ( registered for path 'libsrc'
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> git submodule update   # Check out the external repositories
    Cloning into 'fix'...
    remote: Counting objects: 332, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (235/235), done.
    remote: Total 332 (delta 102), reused 320 (delta 96)
    Receiving objects: 100% (332/332), 961.58 MiB | 357.00 KiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (102/102), done.
    Checking connectivity... done.
    Submodule path 'fix': checked out 'd13e5a23dde538ceefedc39746b029878ee6ff60'
    Cloning into 'libsrc'...
    remote: Counting objects: 896, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (630/630), done.
    remote: Total 896 (delta 263), reused 890 (delta 260)
    Receiving objects: 100% (896/896), 5.57 MiB | 1.59 MiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (263/263), done.
    Checking connectivity... done.
    Submodule path 'libsrc': checked out '8fa69e1fd011b658de6cd2e9f08cf1ad77566f4f'
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd fix/
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> git checkout rev1
    Get case (T24) data
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd ~/jedi
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> wget
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> tar xvf caseT24.tar.gz
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~>$ rm caseT24.tar.gz
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> ls -la
    total 1163160
    drwxrwxr-x. 5 xinzhang xinzhang         64 Oct  4 12:11 .
    drwxrwxr-x. 4 xinzhang xinzhang         33 Oct  4 11:30 ..
    drwxrwxr-x. 3 xinzhang xinzhang         17 Oct  4 11:30 code
    drwxrwxr-x. 4 xinzhang xinzhang         36 Oct  3 13:34 data
    drwxrwxr-x. 2 xinzhang xinzhang         32 Oct  3 13:55 test
    List of Case (T24) Content
    1) T24 background(size: 52M):
    On Theia: /scratch3/BMC/wrfruc/mhu/jedi/casedata/T24_2016030406/gest24/
    On Docker: ~/jedi/data/case/T24_2016030406/gest24
    aircraft_t_bias.gdas.2016030400  sfcf05.gdas.2016030400  sigf04.gdas.2016030400
    biascr.gdas.2016030400           sfcf06.gdas.2016030400  sigf05.gdas.2016030400
    biascr_pc.gdas.2016030400        sfcf07.gdas.2016030400  sigf06.gdas.2016030400
    radstat.gdas.2016030400          sfcf08.gdas.2016030400  sigf07.gdas.2016030400
    sfcf03.gdas.2016030400           sfcf09.gdas.2016030400  sigf08.gdas.2016030400
    sfcf04.gdas.2016030400           sigf03.gdas.2016030400  sigf09.gdas.2016030400
    2) T24 ensemble forecast(size:178M):
    On Theia:/scratch3/BMC/wrfruc/mhu/jedi/casedata/T24_2016030406/enst24
    On Docker: ~/jedi/data/case/T24_2016030406/enst24
    20 member, hourly output during 3-h to 09-h forecast initialized from 2016030400
    3) Observations:
    On Theia:/scratch3/BMC/wrfruc/mhu/jedi/casedata/T24_2016030406/obs
    On Docker: ~/jedi/data/case/T24_2016030406/obs
    3.1) Original observation file: 1bamua.gdas.2016030406, prepbufr.gdas.2016030406
    3.2) Small observation file: 1bamua.gdas_picked, prepbufr_picked
    List of observations in prepbufr_listobs.txt:
      header: number, level number, SID XOB YOB DHR TYP ELV SAID T29
      obs quality: PQM QQM TQM ZQM WQM NUL PWQ
      obs error: POE QOE TOE NUL WOE NUL PWE
    List of observations in 1bamua_listobs.txt:
      obs (channel): 

  4. Build GSI code and run GSI case

    suppose you already checked out the GSI code as $HOME/jedi/code/gsi and have test case directory as $HOME/jedi/data.

    Build GSI code and run GSI case
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd ~
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> mkdir -p ~/jedi/build/gsi   # Prepare the directory for GSI building, out-of-source building
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd ~/jedi/build/gsi     # Enter into directory for GSI building
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> export FC=mpif90
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cmake -DBUILD_CORELIBS=ON -DUSE_WRF=OFF -DBUILD_GLOBAL=ON ~/jedi/code/gsi
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> make -j`nproc`  # parallel compilation with the availble cores
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> ls -al bin/
    total 44560
    drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root       44 Sep 29 17:24 .
    drwxr-xr-x. 9 1000 1001      251 Sep 29 17:17 ..
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root  8266248 Sep 29 17:24 enkf_gfs.x
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 37358984 Sep 29 17:23 gsi_global.x
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd /jedi/test
    # Please modify following variables to reflect the correct PATHS in ./run_gsi_picked.csh
    # set DATA = ~/jedi/test/$PSLOT
    # set APRUN = "mpirun -np 2 "
    # set CASEDIR  = ~/jedi/data/case/T24_2016030406
    # set BASEGSI  = ~/jedi/code/gsi/
    # set FIXcrtm  = ~/jedi/data/CRTM_2.2.3/
    # set GSIEXEC = ~/jedi/build/gsi/bin/gsi_global.x
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> ./run_gsi_picked.csh
    Read Diag (O-B) information from GSI test case
    After a successful GSI run, we can check the O-B for each observation by reading diagnosis files.
    1) combine subdomain drag files to one drag file:
     > cd ~/jedi/test/testT24_picked
     > ls dir.*
     > cat dir.0000/conv_01 dir.0001/conv_01 > conv_ges
     > cat dir.0000/amsua_metop-b_01 dir.0001/amsua_metop-b_01 > amsua_metop-b_ges
    2) compile read_diag utilities:
     > cd ~/jedi/code/gsi/util/Analysis_Utilities/read_diag
    3) Edit makefile and change the variable "INCLD" to reflect the correct path of GSI code, for example : 
       INCLD=   -I/home/xinzhang/jedi/build/gsi/include
     > make
    Should generate three executables: read_diag_conv.exe read_diag_conv_ens.exe read_diag_rad.exe
    3) read conventional observations:
    > vi namelist.conv
    It should be set up like this:
    > ./read_diag_conv.exe  
    Now, we should see a text file: results_conv_ges.
    The content of each column is listed below
        1-3: variable name,station ID,itype,
        4-7: obs relative time,latitude,longitude,pressure,
        8-14:iuse,observation,background, O-B (for wind, U and then V)
    4) read radiance diag:
    > vi namelist.rad
    It should be set up like:
    > ./read_diag_rad.exe
    Now, we should see a new text file: results_amsua_metop-b_ges 
    The content of this text file is listed below:
    head information (number 1-26):
        1:observation latitude (degrees)
        2:observation longitude (degrees)
        3:model (guess) elevation at observation location
        4:observation time (hours relative to analysis time)  
        5:sensor scan position
        6:satellite zenith angle (degrees)
        7:satellite azimuth angle (degrees) 
        8:solar zenith angle (degrees)
        9:solar azimuth angle (degrees)
       10:sun glint angle (degrees) (sgagl)
       11:fractional coverage by water
       12:fractional coverage by land
       13:fractional coverage by ice 
       14:fractional coverage by snow
       15:surface temperature over water (K)
       16:surface temperature over land (K)
       17:surface temperature over ice (K)
       18:surface temperature over snow (K)
       19:soil temperature (K)
       20:soil moisture OR graupel water path (if gmi .or. saphir) 
       21:surface land type
       22:vegetation fraction OR scattering index from AMSU-A (if radmod%lcloud_fwd .and. sea)
       23:snow depth OR integrated CLWP (kg/m**2) from background (if radmod%lcloud_fwd .and. sea)
       24:surface wind speed (m/s)
       25:cloud fraction (%) OR if microwave:
          cloud liquid water (kg/m**2) OR
             cloud liquid water (kg/m**2) if(radmod%lcloud_fwd .and. sea)
             clw (kg/m**2) from retrievals if(gmi .or. amsr2)
       26:cloud top pressure (hPa) OR if microwave: 
          total column precip. water (km/m**2) OR 
             retrieved CLWP (kg/m**2) from simulated BT if((radmod%lcloud_fwd .and. sea) .or. gmi .or. amsr2)
    channel information (loop through each channel with column list), for each column:
       1: observed brightness temperature (K)
       2: observed - simulated Tb with bias correction (K)
       3: observed - simulated Tb with no bias correction (K)
       4: inverse observation error
       5: quality control mark or event indicator  
       6: surface emissivity
       7: stability index
       8: indicator of cloudy consistency (if lcloud_fwd) OR d(Tb)/d(Ts)

  5. Check out  the OOPS code

    check out the OOPS code
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd ~/jedi/code
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> git clone -b feature/ufo  # Check out the oops code to oops directory

  6. Build and test OOPS code

    Build the OOPS code
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd ~
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> mkdir -p ~/jedi/build/oops   # Prepare the directory for oops building, out-of-source building
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd ~/jedi/build/oops
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> ecbuild --build=release -DLAPACK_LIBRARIES=$LAPACK_LIBRARIES ~/jedi/code/oops
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> make -j`nproc`
    [ 99%] Built target test_qg_4dvar_obsbias.x
    [ 99%] Built target test_qg_3dfgat.x
    Scanning dependencies of target test_qg_4densvar.x
    [ 99%] Built target test_qg_4densvar.x
    [ 99%] Linking CXX executable test_qg_increment
    [ 99%] Built target test_qg_increment
    [100%] Linking CXX executable test_qg_localization
    [100%] Built target test_qg_localization
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> ctest
    108/108 Test #108: test_qg_dfi ......................   Passed    0.46 sec
    100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 108
    Label Time Summary:
    boost         =   1.13 sec (53 tests)
    executable    =   1.16 sec (56 tests)
    fortran       =   0.04 sec (3 tests)
    oops          =  23.89 sec (108 tests)
    script        =  22.73 sec (52 tests)
    Total Test time (real) =  23.94 sec

  7. Download WRF and WPS 

    Download WPS/WRF
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd ~/jedi/code
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> wget
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> tar xvf WPSV3.9.1.TAR.gz
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> rm -f WPSV3.9.1.TAR.gz
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> wget
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> tar xvf WRFV3.9.1.1.TAR.gz
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> rm -f WRFV3.9.1.1.TAR.gz
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> ls -la
    total 12
    drwxrwxr-x.  6 xinzhang xinzhang   53 Oct  5 16:01 .
    drwxrwxr-x. 13 xinzhang xinzhang  196 Oct  5 14:45 ..
    drwxrwxr-x. 13 xinzhang xinzhang  243 Oct  5 14:29 gsi
    drwxrwxr-x. 10 xinzhang xinzhang 4096 Oct  5 11:13 oops
    drwxr-xr-x.  7 xinzhang xinzhang 4096 Aug 17 11:10 WPS
    drwxr-xr-x. 17 xinzhang xinzhang 4096 Aug 28 15:01 WRFV3

  8. Build WRF and WPS code

    Build WRF and WPS code
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd ~/jedi/code/WRFV3
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> ./configure  # Select 34 for dmpar gnu
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> vi configure.wrf   # Becasue WRF has problem to test mpi2 support, please add -DMPI2_SUPPORT after DM_CC = mpicc
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> ./compile em_real  # For unknown reason, module_ra_rrtmg_swf.f90 might fail to be compiled due to internal compiler error, typing "./compile em_real" again usually can solve the problem.
    build started:   Thu Oct  5 22:12:18 UTC 2017
    build completed: Thu Oct 5 22:21:58 UTC 2017
    --->                  Executables successfully built                  <---
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 36472488 Oct  5 22:21 main/ndown.exe
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 36346432 Oct  5 22:21 main/real.exe
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 35944328 Oct  5 22:21 main/tc.exe
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 40051304 Oct  5 22:21 main/wrf.exe
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd ../WPS
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> ./configure   # Select 3 for dmpar gfortran
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> vi configure.wrf   # edit COMPRESSION_LIBS and COMPRESSION_INC as following lines and remove -f90=gfortran from DM_FC and remove -cc=gcc from DM_CC
    #   Settings for Linux x86_64, gfortran    (dmpar) 
    COMPRESSION_LIBS    = -L/usr/local/lib -ljasper -lpng -lz
    COMPRESSION_INC     = -I/usr/local/include
    FDEFS               = -DUSE_JPEG2000 -DUSE_PNG
    SFC                 = gfortran
    SCC                 = gcc
    DM_FC               = mpif90
    DM_CC               = mpicc
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> ./compile
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> ls -al *.exe
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 23 Oct  6 16:02 geogrid.exe -> geogrid/src/geogrid.exe
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 23 Oct  6 16:02 metgrid.exe -> metgrid/src/metgrid.exe
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 21 Oct  6 16:02 ungrib.exe -> ungrib/src/ungrib.exe

  9. Download MPAS code

    Download MPAS code
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd ~/jedi/code
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> git clone -b v5.2

  10. Build MPAS code

    Build MPAS code
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd ~/jedi/code/MPAS-Release
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> vi ./src/core_atmosphere/physics/ # Replace the MPAS-Data address to https (see next line below)
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> git diff
    diff --git a/src/core_atmosphere/physics/ b/src/core_atmosphere/physics/
    index e62b466..f2c3cba 100755
    --- a/src/core_atmosphere/physics/
    +++ b/src/core_atmosphere/physics/
    @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ fi
     which git
     if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "*** trying git to obtain WRF physics tables ***"
    -   git clone git://
    +   git clone
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
           mv MPAS-Data/atmosphere/physics_wrf/files/* physics_wrf/files
           rm -rf MPAS-Data
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> make gfortran CORE=atmosphere
    make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/xinzhang/jedi/code/MPAS-Release/src/core_atmosphere'
    MPAS was built with default double-precision reals.
    Debugging is off.
    Parallel version is on.
    Papi libraries are off.
    TAU Hooks are off.
    MPAS was built without OpenMP support.
    MPAS was built with .F files.
    The native timer interface is being used
    Using the PIO 1.x library.
    make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/xinzhang/jedi/code/MPAS-Release'

  11. Test MPAS

    Test MPAS
    Singularity xinzhang8noaa-singularity-master.simg:~/jedi/code/MPAS-Release> wget
    Singularity xinzhang8noaa-singularity-master.simg:~/jedi/code/MPAS-Release> tar xvf mpas_10242_case.tgz
    Singularity xinzhang8noaa-singularity-master.simg:~/jedi/code/MPAS-Release> mpirun -np 8 atmosphere_model # or mpirun -np 1 atmosphere_model
    task 0 of 8 is running 
    task 1 of 8 is running 
    task 2 of 8 is running 
    task 3 of 8 is running 
    task 6 of 8 is running 
    task 7 of 8 is running 
    task 4 of 8 is running 
    task 5 of 8 is running 

  12. Check out  the FV3 code 

    check out the FV3 code
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd ~/jedi/code
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> git clone comfv3   # Check out the FV3 code, please replace Your_UserName with your bitbucket username
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd comfv3
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> git submodule init
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> git submodule update
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> git branch -a
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> git checkout feature/gfortran_build
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd FV3
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> git checkout feature/gfortran_build
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd ../NEMS
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> git checkout feature/gfortran_build

  13. Build  the FV3 code 

    Build FV3 code
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd ~/jedi/code/comfv3/release/v0/exp/
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> ./ macgnu
    Elapsed time 66 seconds. Compiling HYDRO=Y 32BIT=N finished
    + cp /home/xinzhang/jedi/code/comfv3/release/v0/exp/../../../tests/fv3_1.exe ../NEMS/exe/
    + rm /home/xinzhang/jedi/code/comfv3/release/v0/exp/../../../tests/fv3_1.exe
    + exit 0

  14. Check out and build  the CRTM V2.2.3 code 

    Checkout and Build CRTM V2.2.3
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg:~> cd ~/jedi/code
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg::~/jedi/code> git clone crtm_v2.2.3 # please replace Your_UserName with your bitbucket username
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg::~/jedi/code> cd crtm_v2.2.3/
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg::~/jedi/code/crtm_v2.2.3> source config-setup/gfortran.setup
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg::~/jedi/code/crtm_v2.2.3>./configure --prefix=/home/`whoami`/jedi/build/crtm
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg::~/jedi/code/crtm_v2.2.3> make
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg::~/jedi/code/crtm_v2.2.3> make check
    Singularity JCSDA-singularity-master.simg::~/jedi/code/crtm_v2.2.3> make install

What's inside the JEDI docker image?

When you start a Singularity container instance from the xinzhang8noaa-singularity-master.simg, we already prepapre the gnu version 7.2 compilers and most of the necessary libraiestools for GSI, OOPS, WRF etc., all libraries are installed under /usr/local, which include

  1. git
  2. git flow
  3. emacs
  4. open-mpi v2.1.0
  5. zlib v1.2.11
  6. szip v2.1.1
  7. jpeg v9b
  8. png v1.4.19
  9. jasper v1.900.2
  10. hdf5 v1.8.17
  11. freetype v2.5.5
  12. netcdf-c v4.4.11
  13. netcdf-fortran v4.4.4
  14. lapack v3.7.0
  15. parallel-netcdf v1.8.1
  16. xerces-c v3.1.4
  17. esmf v7.0.0
  18. udunites-2 v2.2.24
  19. nco v4.6.6
  20. grib_api v1.21.0
  21. cdo v1.8.2
  22. boost v1.65.1
  23. eigen3 v3.3.4
  24. pio 1.7.1
  25. ecbuild
  26. eckit
  27. fckit

The major NCEP libraries are also installed at :

  1. /nwprod/lib/bacio/v2.0.1/libbacio_v2.0.1_4.a
  2. /nwprod/lib/bacio/v2.0.1/libbacio_v2.0.1_8.a
  3. /nwprod/lib/ip/v2.0.0/libip_v2.0.0_4.a
  4. /nwprod/lib/ip/v2.0.0/libip_v2.0.0_8.a
  5. /nwprod/lib/ip/v2.0.0/libip_v2.0.0_d.a
  6. /nwprod/lib/sigio/v2.0.1/lib/libsigio_v2.0.1_4.a
  7. /nwprod/lib/sigio/v2.0.1/libsigio_v2.0.1_4.a
  8. /nwprod/lib/sp/v2.0.2/libsp_v2.0.2_4.a
  9. /nwprod/lib/sp/v2.0.2/libsp_v2.0.2_8.a
  10. /nwprod/lib/sp/v2.0.2/libsp_v2.0.2_d.a
  11. /nwprod/lib/w3emc/v2.2.0/libw3emc_v2.2.0_4.a
  12. /nwprod/lib/w3emc/v2.2.0/libw3emc_v2.2.0_8.a
  13. /nwprod/lib/w3emc/v2.2.0/libw3emc_v2.2.0_d.a
  14. /nwprod/lib/w3nco/v2.0.6/libw3nco_v2.0.6_4.a
  15. /nwprod/lib/w3nco/v2.0.6/libw3nco_v2.0.6_8.a
  16. /nwprod/lib/w3nco/v2.0.6/libw3nco_v2.0.6_d.a


  1. Build MPAS code