CCSM/ESMF joint meeting

April 12th, 1:00pm

Chapman room

Attending: Erik, Mariana, Cecelia, Ed Hartnett, and Don

  • Go over Last meeting
  • Status update on CCSM/ESMF evaluation plan Stage-1.
  • Examine ESMF build look at Brian Eaton's list of issues...
    • Linking issues (configure script for Stage-2 to get links)
    • Build robustness issues (build easily on any platform)
    • Will not build on pathscale, get it done for Stage-2
  • Look at latest sequential CCSM with ESMF design/schedule.
  • Hear from ESMF on their progress.
  • Peggy needs files again...
  • Meet every 2-3 weeks or so..
  • For Stage-2 also want to have time-instances (and possibly other time-objects) on ESMF_States
    Seperate out short term Stage-1 needs with long term Stage-2 needs. Will also need to require users that evaluate ESMF version on specific platforms (have a pre-built versions of ESMF on those platforms). The evaluation plan says outside users that evalutate the code do so on the basis if the code if "aesthetically acceptable". As such if any outside users do build the system it should be reasonable that they only do so on a given set of platforms.
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