CCSM Data Model v7 Project

Project Plan (obsolete – Dec 2004)


Implementation Schedule
   Phase I ~ create working models which implement architecture, shared code, and a
	 uniform set of basic functionality. 
      A) requirements analysis wrt to basic/uniform functionality and framework (2 weeks)
      B) choose an architectural design wrt basic + framework requirements      (3 weeks)
      C) implementation: detailed design, coding, debugging, unit-testing       (4 weeks)
      D) preliminary-system testing                                             (3 weeks)
   Phase II ~ improvements to scientific functionality
      A) additional requirements analysis wrt to scientific functionality       (2 weeks)
      B) modify architectural design wrt science requirements                   (3 weeks)
      C) implementation: detailed design, coding, debugging, unit-testing       (4 weeks)
      D) system and acceptance testing                                          (3 weeks)
    Phase  I: 838 man[hours (5.2 man]months) over 12 weeks
    Phase II: 838 man[hours (5.2 man]months) over 12 weeks
    Core team members: brian k, julie, nancy, mariana, brian e, 
    Other team members: erik, wei, george


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