Mostly hanging out at Ken's as rain bands pass over, some hitting us and not the site (and probably vice versa).  We briefly visited the site, to see the waterway with about 2cm of water on top of the ground everywhere.

  • we may still want to make adjustments to power, but things are getting closer to where we want 
  • Qsoil.b.lconv is going up to 100%, which isn't realistic (even if the soil is saturated, with standing water, as it probably is now.

When the rain abates (tomorrow??), will take more soil cores (our last was near a minimum in soil moisture and now it is maximum at field capacity).  We'll also start theodolite shoots.

Hendrik started a 4-day soil moisture calibration with two extra qsoils (sn 20, 35), using soil from Ken's cornfield (possibly representative of the soil cornfield soil installation).  Measuring readings from air, water, and saturated soil all the way to dry soil.

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