Today was a busy day.

  • Much colder today.  
  • But, thankfully sunny.  The batteries need to be charged!  P3 and P4 went down due to power (cloudy days, single battery at each site).  P6 was on its way out due to battery issues too.  So, we spent the morning swapping the three Deka batteries we just bought yesterday at those stations.  Then, we went back to the base trailer.  
  • Dan got on a Safety meeting conference call.
  • I edited the config for RELT in an effort to fix the USB reset issues.  /boot/cmdline.txt now has a command that reduces the USB speed to 12MBPS, in an effort to reduce resets.  Since, it has reset once, and therefore hasn't solved the problem but possibly reduced the frequency.  I'm holding off on editing other DSMs until results are more definitive.
  • April and Junming have decided there is an IOP tonight.  
  • On Junming's request, we helped Noctis calibrate the 3m 8530 dustracks on Release and Lower Convergence towers, and 6m 8530 dustrack on Upper Convergence tower. 
  • After lunch, we just happened to drive by the site and see Ken and crew harvesting the corn!  We scrambled to disconnect the release tower mote (will stay DC for IOP, and until corn is harvested).  Ken said they plan to harvest all fields to the north of the gulley today (10/11), and will harvest the south side tomorrow.  So for this night's IOP, the south still has corn.  
  • Dan got a ride with Ken in the harvester, which actually an opportunity to talk to Ken on how he could get access to the south side without driving over the power cables to the SODAR, and Sodar trailer.  We dug a small trench that the cables would lie in.  Ken tested our cable trench by driving the harvester, and trucks over it.  Power stayed on for the Sodar and trailer.
  • The lack of corn made the ATV more visible from the road, so Dan parked it at a less visible location near the release tower.
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