Weather: Cool and calm. Clear with occasional cumulus throughout the day.


  • At least one power outage last night, most likely due to high winds. Ken said power was lost from about 4am until 9am local this morning. He has a standby generator that powers the circuit the ISS trailer is on however the ISFS trailer is on a circuit without backup power. That generator kicked on almost immediately but there most likely was a momentary loss of power for the ISS profiler system. After checking it out this morning the profiler plots seem nominal, however Bill said there is a problem with his webplots as of 10:15pm local. This may be due to an earlier power surge or loss.
  • lconv a2 1.5m CSAT3A started reporting again yesterday afternoon and data looks acceptable
  • Had a chance to speak with Ken about what to do with the corn collected on our tarps. He requested we dump it on his treeline due to mold and decay that most of it had succumb to.
  • The instruments are all looking good today, surprising after winds reached almost 45mph at the 20m sonics
  • Moved the tarp corn to a couple of dump spots on Ken's treeline.
  • Replaced thinner gauge wire I used for grounding with recently found ground strap at all four towers
  • April's solar panels at uconv had been blown over and partially sagged at init. Secured init panels. Uconv will need a stake and ratchet strap to secure them in case of another high wind event
  • Zip tied cables with excess play to tall towers to limit abrasion in case of another high wind event

Tomorrow hopefully our replacement batteries will arrive!

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