Weather: Chilly and rainy day, nimbostratus throughout


  • The morning data check showed one issue:
    • lconv2 3m CSAT appeared to be inop for a spell today (08:57-11:42 local). Currently the stream looks good
  • Went to site briefly to dig into this problem and check cockpit. The rain dissuaded us from walking down the swale
  • Lou's last day on site so we covered upcoming ISS tasks and PM
  • Data entry and email catch up
  • Started making a list of ISFS punchlist items for Andy and Matt

We had a short day today due to the weather. If tomorrow is agreeable, we will try and do a sensor clean. There will not be two climbers for the remainder of Ops except for the overlap of Andy and Ned, so this may be the last clean for all the EC150s and NR01s at height.

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